Вакансии от компании «Love.ru»





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Описание компании

Love.ru - a dating universe that includes various dating sites and apps for finding love from all over the world. We have been operating since 2008 and we are in the top 2 in audience volume in Eastern Europe (according to similarweb.com). Love.ru develops actively and engages users from all parts of the world.

You can feel comfortable with us: we have flexible work schedules, and no dress code or unnecessary meetings. We focus on the results, and everyone in the company is interested in this. All our tasks are kept in the task tracker, all processes are transparent, and team members are always glad to help and support us in a difficult time.

Here are some nice things:

Small team with no bureaucracy and long approvals; Office in the city center with free parking; tea, coffee and snacks; Fun corporate parties which you don't have to attend if you don't feel like it.

Take a chance to join a team of cool professionals. Grow with us!

Вакансии компании:




Гибкий график

  • Поездок и работы не очень много, но постоянная доступность необходима. Поэтому важно жить в районе ул. Окулова, 18 (ЖК Сапфир) / ул. Попова / ул. Монастырская, чтобы не приходилось постоянно находится в машине.
  • Помощь в погрузке разгрузке сумок и т.п...

10 июня



Полный день


  • Разработка, поддержка и тюнинг love.


  • Опыт web-разработки в реальных проектах
  • html, css, js, jquery, less, figma, git...

24 мая