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до 6 000 $
Тип занятости
Полная занятость
Мужчина, 34 года, родился 16 октября 1990
Город: Москва
Опыт работы
16 лет 7 месяцев
Averia Electronics, inc
Full stack .NET developer
С 01.10.2020 по настоящее время (4 года 5 месяцев)
Averia Electronics develops consumer wearable electronics (It, wearable), mobile applications and its own ERP system, as well as creating IT infrastructure from scratch for other proprietary projects. I've been working on a smart collar project for dog. This is an interesting and technically complex project that allows you to cover all the basic needs of users: the history of the movements and activity of the animal, joint walks with other owners, a global map and other interesting features. Responsibilities: - Design and development .NET Core-based application architecture and interaction with PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, RabbitMQ and Redis. - REST API and Web-socket communication (ASP.NET Core + SignalR) for mobile applications - json RPC API for admin side - Implementation of a proprietary binary data transfer protocol (Over TCP/UDP) for IoT devices - Design and development back office control panel based on the Angular framework (Material + RxJS) Tasks: - Integration the clustered actor model based on Proto.Actor (similar to Akka.Net or MS Orleans) - Filtering GPS coordinates from IoT or phone device and realization real-time pet route - Migrate MongoDB to ElasticSearch - Aggregate pet activity from device accelerometer and other data - Integrate Angular Material - Migrate change detection strategy of Angular to 'on push' (with async pipes) Achievements: - x100 server performance boost - x10 client performance boost
Averia Electronics, inc
Full stack .NET developer
С 01.10.2020 по настоящее время (4 года 5 месяцев)
Averia Electronics develops consumer wearable electronics (It, wearable), mobile applications and its own ERP system, as well as creating IT infrastructure from scratch for other proprietary projects. I've been working on a smart collar project for dog. This is an interesting and technically complex project that allows you to cover all the basic needs of users: the history of the movements and activity of the animal, joint walks with other owners, a global map and other interesting features. Responsibilities: - Design and development .NET Core-based application architecture and interaction with PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, RabbitMQ and Redis. - REST API and Web-socket communication (ASP.NET Core + SignalR) for mobile applications - json RPC API for admin side - Implementation of a proprietary binary data transfer protocol (Over TCP/UDP) for IoT devices - Design and development back office control panel based on the Angular framework (Material + RxJS) Tasks: - Integration the clustered actor model based on Proto.Actor (similar to Akka.Net or MS Orleans) - Filtering GPS coordinates from IoT or phone device and realization real-time pet route - Migrate MongoDB to ElasticSearch - Aggregate pet activity from device accelerometer and other data - Integrate Angular Material - Migrate change detection strategy of Angular to 'on push' (with async pipes) Achievements: - x100 server performance boost - x10 client performance boost
Promomash, Inc.
.NET Software architect
С 01.10.2018 по 01.10.2020 (2 года)
Promomash is the industry’s most sophisticated field event, brand activation and in-store demo management solution. Responsibilities: - Designing and developing an .NET Core-based application architecture by using design patterns such as CQRS/DDD and infrastructure such as Docker/PostgreSQL/RabbitMQ/Redis/ElasticSearch/MongoDb. - Designing and developing microservices and logic of synchronous and asynchronous interaction between them. - Development of new functionality based on the Angular framework (Material + RxJS) or ReactJS (Material + SWR + Storeon) - Developing shared .net core and angular libraries for company platforms
"Work-Zilla - Your personal assistant" LLC
Full stack .NET Developer
С 01.11.2017 по 01.10.2018 (11 месяцев)
Work-zilla.com is an online platform for remote work that will help you find the perfect freelancer for your small task in a matter of minutes. Responsibilities: - Design, development and implementation of new functionality based on the ASP.NET Core, MS SQL, RabbitMQ, Angular 5, ReactJS, RxJS, SASS - Support for existing production code ASP.NET MVC/WebApi, MS SQL, CSS, JQuery Tasks: - Implementing the landing site on Angular 5. Training the team of the rxjs approach. - Integration our own Nuget repository for code decomposition - Integration the TeamCity for CI. - Design and implementation of the client for the integration of microservices with EventBus (RabbitMQ) - Design and implementation of the microservice of the file storage. Integration with the Amazon repository. - Implementation of the logic of asynchronous interaction between microservices. - Implementation of asynchronous interaction between microservices. - Integration of the CQRS pattern. Integration of RESTfull style for api. Training the team the basics of the DDD approach. Achievements: - Migrating development from SVN to GIT (with the history) - Integration of React + TypeScript + RxJS + SASS + WebPack stack with a legacy interface. (authentication pages, etc.)
Lendgenius LLC
.NET Senior developer
С 01.12.2016 по 01.11.2017 (11 месяцев)
Lend Genius helps qualified small business owners find business financing solutions through its network of approved lenders and finance providers. Responsibilities: - Design and development backend part of application based on ASP.NET Core, MS SQL and Azure services from scratch. Tasks: - Design and development the RESTful infrastructure. - Realization of single sign-on user authentication service based on oauth 2.0 protocol. - Realization of resource based/role based/claims based authorization. - Design and development the shared-resource based web applications. - Realization of automated tests based on Selenium Achievements: - Implementation of the architecture based on microservices.
Liferevs LLC
Full stack .NET Developer
С 01.08.2015 по 01.12.2016 (1 год 4 месяца)
Responsibilities: - Support and development of a highly loaded monolit marketing system based on ASP.NET MVC 5. - Furnish information on nopCommerce and the software we build for it here. Achievements: The R&D carried out here has resulted in many exciting solutions that not only enabled liferevs to support thousands of customers in over 20 countries, some have evolved in to stand-alone brands or products.
Government organization of the Rostov region "Information database housing and communal services"
.NET Lead developer
С 01.06.2013 по 01.09.2015 (2 года 3 месяца)
The portal 'ibzkh' is a electronic system of collection and recording of information for the inventory of housing stock in the Rostov region. Responsibilities: - Design and development three-tier application based on ASP.NET MVC, WCF and MS SQL stack of technologies from scratch for billing. Last tasks: - Deployment of the authentication system by the protocols WS-Federation and WS-Trust (SAML 2.0) - Connect the portal to identity server of ESIA (gosuslugi.ru) by OAuth 2.0 protocol - Cryptographic Signatures of files - Claims-Based authorization
Rockbeam Solutions, Inc.
Full stack .NET Developer
С 01.04.2012 по 01.06.2013 (1 год 2 месяца)
Responsibilities: - Development of eCommerce applications based on ASP.NET WebForms. Achievements: - Skills for participation in commercial projects - C# 3.0, C# 3.5 - Asp.Net WebForms - Entity Framework 4-6
Southern Federal University / Rostov-on-Don
ASP.NET MVC Skills Test
DotNet 3.5 using C# Test
ASP.NET with SQL Server Test
CSS Test
jQuery Test
HTML5 Test
Bootstrap Test
Владение языками
Родной язык
Иностранные языки
Ключевые навыки
Знания яп: php, python3, javascript +es, node.js, vuejs, webcms
design patterns
Sql postgresql
Ibm mq, rabbitmq, etc
Навыки работы с docker/docker-compose
Asp .net core
Git javascript typescript webpack gulp html/css rest react angular vue
Project reactor
Redux, rxjs, node.js, javascript, typescript
ms orleans
Postgresql, elasticsearch, брокером очередей kafka, nifi
Дополнительная информация
GitHub profile: https://github.com/yury-sch
Похожие резюме
до 160 000 ₽
22 года
Полный день
Последнее место работы
IGS, Таргетолог, декабрь 2019 - май 2020
17.10 в 21:04
Был на сайте
Более недели назад
Опыт работы
6 лет 1 месяц
до 110 000 ₽
25 лет
Полный день, Гибкий график
Последнее место работы
Mi Piace, Официант-бармен, сентябрь 2018 - август 2021
16.10 в 18:02
Был на сайте
Более недели назад
Опыт работы
7 лет 2 месяца
до 120 000 ₽
46 лет
Полный день, Гибкий график
Последнее место работы
"Биржа", Внештатный журналист, май 2001 - сентябрь 2001
15.10 в 18:03
Был на сайте
Более недели назад
Опыт работы
29 лет 7 месяцев