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Тип занятости

Полная занятость, Проектная работа/разовое задание

Мужчина, 29 лет, родился 6 марта 1996

Город: Верхнеуральск

Опыт работы

9 лет 5 месяцев


Field verification Engineer

С 01.06.2024 по настоящее время (9 месяцев)

Verification of Data quality to support the Digital transformation and implementation of the Digital core Asset Management project TCO. -Performing data gathering to enrich Asset Equipment Data -Performing plant verifications (walkdown) of critical equipment -Collecting necessary information about plant layout from drawings and available engineering documentations. -Pre-walkdown assessment, prepare drawings, plot plans, P&ID, check-sheets for each equipment. -Performing walkdown by following all safety requirements, TCO rules and procedures, gathering required data -Post walkdown analysis and updating information in Master data list, uploading information to the TCO DCAM Portal -Support for Asset Spare Parts strategy.


Field verification Engineer

С 01.06.2024 по настоящее время (9 месяцев)

Verification of Data quality to support the Digital transformation and implementation of the Digital core Asset Management project TCO. -Performing data gathering to enrich Asset Equipment Data -Performing plant verifications (walkdown) of critical equipment -Collecting necessary information about plant layout from drawings and available engineering documentations. -Pre-walkdown assessment, prepare drawings, plot plans, P&ID, check-sheets for each equipment. -Performing walkdown by following all safety requirements, TCO rules and procedures, gathering required data -Post walkdown analysis and updating information in Master data list, uploading information to the TCO DCAM Portal -Support for Asset Spare Parts strategy.

Senimdi Kurylys (SK)

QC Mechanical Inspector

С 01.11.2022 по 01.06.2024 (1 год 7 месяцев)

The mechanic inspector checks rotating equipment (pumps, compressors, steam turbines, gas turbines, etc.) that are installed in all sections of the construction work. It makes inspection of contractors and installation of rotating and static equipment, including their operation. It monitors the technically correct installation of equipment, the timing of installation, according to project procedures, inspections inspection plans, installation and commissioning manuals, international standards.

Senimdi Kurylys (SK)

QA/QC CSA Inspector

С 01.07.2022 по 01.07.2023 (1 год)

Responsibilities: Technical / Design supervision over Civil works on the construction site. Daily inspection and verification of the quality and consistency each stage of work in accordance with project requirements, state and international standards. Civil/Structural works quality control in accordance with standards and procedures Preparing daily/weekly reports, Surveillance and NonConformity Reports

Senimdi Kurylys (SK)

QA/QC Specialist

С 01.10.2019 по 01.07.2022 (2 года 9 месяцев)

• Recording of documents of the quality control department, laboratory reports, non-conformance reports, etc. • Control and completion of all incoming and outgoing documents QC • Maintaining a database of nonconformities in accordance with internal and external audit; • Analyze information received at various stages of production (work, services), quality indicators of services provided and take action • To consider and analyze complaints and claims to the quality of the services provided, draw conclusions and carry on correspondence based on the results of their consideration; • To monitor record-keeping and prepare reports on the company's product quality management activities; • Generate, prepare, and issue daily inspection requests from Contractor's inspection request system to Quality Team. • Handing over QVDs to Turnover by Transmittal. • Assist to QA/QC Manager with document preparation and report to client. • Incoming & outgoing correspondence control and registration, documents & files preparation • Perform any other administrative and Quality related functions and tasks as may be directed by the line supervisor and/or the Quality Manager

Senimdi Kurylys (SK)

Turnover Completion specialist

С 01.10.2018 по 01.10.2019 (1 год)

Worked with programs like MCPlus, CoreWorx Understanding of Civil & Underground Utilities, construction, quality control. QC and Turnover documentation completeness and submittal. Awareness of Client and Company requirements, QC process and documentation and work with acts. Experience in project certification and turnover processes and interfacing with Clients’, Completions’ and contractors’ teams; Experience in the Data Analysis, Data management is considered an asset; Multidisciplinary proficiency and able to read and interpret P&IDs, SLDs Wiring Diagrams, and Plot Plans 3GI project

Senimdi Kurylys (SK)

Timekeeper scheduler

С 01.10.2016 по 01.10.2018 (2 года)

Time-table accounting of the actual time of stay of employees at the enterprise, monitors their timely attendance at work and leaving work, being in the workplace. Makes appropriate marks in the report card and daily compiles reports (summaries) on attendance at work, as well as on lateness and non-appearance, indicating the reasons that caused them, keeps records of the list of employees. Systematically introduces changes related to the registration of the admission of employees, transfers, dismissals, granting of vacations, etc. Monitors the timeliness of the submission by employees of leaflets on temporary disability, certificates of patient care and other documents confirming their right to absence from work. In accordance with the established procedure, submits a report card containing information about the time actually worked, overtime hours, violations of labor discipline, etc.

SOFT Company

Document controller

С 01.05.2016 по 01.10.2016 (5 месяцев)

Обработка Документов — подготовка документов, поступающих в базу данных, так же входит их проверка с точки зрения законности, соблюдения формы и наличия в них обязательных реквизитов.



West Kazakhstan Engineering Humanitarian University


Западно-Казахтанский Инженерно Технологически колледж

Владение языками

Родной язык


Иностранные языки

Английский, Русский, Ту?


Ключевые навыки

  • Сдача проектной документации в тшо

  • работа с программой mc plus

  • составление актов

  • ведение лог журнала

Похожие резюме


до 250 000 ₽

41 год


Полный день, Гибкий график, Удаленная работа

Последнее место работы

ГКП "Центр Информационных Систем и Технологий" Акимата ЗКО, Инженер-системотехник; администратор КСПД, май 2006 - январь 2009


02.01 в 15:05

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

27 лет 3 месяца


до 250 000 ₽

34 года


Полный день, Удаленная работа

Последнее место работы

ТОО «Инженерная Буровая Компания «, Секретарь-референт, июнь 2012 - май 2015


24.12 в 15:06

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

15 лет 7 месяцев


до 300 000 ₽

31 год


Полный день, Гибкий график, Удаленная работа

Последнее место работы

Тоо Амрита, Электронмонтажник, сентябрь 2013 - май 2014


30.11 в 15:15

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

13 лет 6 месяцев