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Frontеnd разработчик

до 3 500 $



Тип занятости

Полная занятость, Частичная занятость, Проектная работа/разовое задание

Мужчина, 55 лет, родился 18 июля 1969

Город: Москва

Опыт работы

30 лет

INTECO group of companies

Financial director

С 01.08.2022 по настоящее время (2 года 7 месяцев)

- Formation and management of the financial service in the company; - Statement of budgeting (description of business processes, formation of a financial structure, regulation of budget processes with subsequent automation, implementation of KPIs related to budget management, performance analysis); - Organization of external financing (work with credit institutions) - Regulation of the procedure for making investment decisions, invest. analysis. - Development of measures to improve operational efficiency.

INTECO group of companies

Financial director

С 01.08.2022 по настоящее время (2 года 7 месяцев)

- Formation and management of the financial service in the company; - Statement of budgeting (description of business processes, formation of a financial structure, regulation of budget processes with subsequent automation, implementation of KPIs related to budget management, performance analysis); - Organization of external financing (work with credit institutions) - Regulation of the procedure for making investment decisions, invest. analysis. - Development of measures to improve operational efficiency.

Staff Concept

Financial director

С 01.04.2021 по 01.11.2021 (7 месяцев)

 Project financial model design.  Budgeting setting  Capital structure design  Tax chart planning  Pre-project preparation

East Mining Company

President investment counselor

С 01.12.2018 по 01.10.2019 (10 месяцев)

- Mine haul trucks tires recycling project. It has been found solution to use pyrolysis liquid, - the result of tires processing, - as liquid fraction of explosives, instead of expensive diesel, within the mine. Annual effect is about 40 mln. rubles. - Diesel cost reduction project. Diesel transport logistics has been redesigned. Annual effect is about 180 mln. rubles - LNG conversions for mine haul trucks project.

JS "Rosgeologia"

Head of operational efficiency division.

С 01.10.2016 по 01.11.2018 (2 года 1 месяц)

- Control over holding subdivisions operational efficiency programs implementation; - Investment research: Acquisition deals; Assets purchasing. - Department risk management assessment; - Holding’s KPI accomplishment assessment. Operational efficiency programs introduction has exposed annual cost reduction about 1,6 bln. rubles.

JS "RU-Energy Group"

Deputy vice-president of economics and finance

С 01.07.2011 по 01.11.2015 (4 года 4 месяца)

- Participation in LBO of GasPromNeft and SlavNeft oil service companies. Companies' estimation. Attraction for LBO about 9 bln. rubles. - Forming economic analytic subdivision in Management Company - Forming financial subdivision in Management Company - Budgeting process establishment. - KPI forming for holding subdivisions. - Economical and financial report forms designing. - Simulation of holding's subdivisions development. Holding's investing programs estimation. - Contacts establishment with oil and gas authorities of Asia (India) and South Africa (Namibia, Botswana, Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia) countries. - Contact establishment with top local solicitor companies and industry majors’, research and exploration of local legislation and tax basement for business setting and running in the above countries. - Business start up elaboration, business plot modeling, business models design

MIEL(МИЭЛЬ) – Investments In Suburb Real Estate” of MIEL REAL ESTATE holding.

Deputy director

С 01.10.2006 по 01.01.2010 (3 года 3 месяца)

10.2006 – 02.2008. Project leader of subdivision’s coming into economic segment of Real Estate market. - In charge of А) Marketing research: products, materials, rivals, producers. B) Selection of producers, constructers. Direct responsibility for the final result. Two demo sandwich houses of Tambov plant TAMAK with finishing have been built near Istrinskoe reservoir. 03.2008 – 01.2010. Project manager of “Barvikha CLUB” project. (110 town houses) - In charge of Project finishing organization: A) Communication with the companies suppliers of cervices for the village (gas, electricity, water, phones, internet). B) Elimination of constructing imperfections. C) Commercial Real Estate (1000 sq. m.) exploitation: collaboration with tenants . D) Communication with the State registration offices. Direct responsibility for: A) forming and achieving goals of the project at final stage for the certain period of time by the project’s team. 07.2008 – 12.2008 Project manager of “ANDERSEN” (20 Ha) project. In charge of A) organization of collecting permissions, initial documentation. B) Initial concept of construction has been changed. Preliminary agreement about joint development has been achieved with group of companies “Masshtab”. 04.2009 - 09.2009 Project manager of “MONAKOVO” (17Ha) project. Positive conclusion for the project documents of MOSOBLEKSPERTISA (State control organization) has been received. Correction of Master Plan has been made. The final works in buildings were implemented. Constructing shortages were eliminated.

Estate Subdivision of “DIONIS CLUB” holding

Project manager

С 01.04.2004 по 01.09.2006 (2 года 5 месяцев)

In charge of: - Marketing research, taking decision about concept of future cottage village: positioning, relevant infrastructure, design of buildings (Cooperation with ИНКОМ, МИЭЛЬ, Penny Lane, Soho Realty) - Collecting of all necessary documents and permissions regarding design and construct activities - Forming of concept and financial schemes design of selling buildings to customers. Development of Subdivision - Stipulating of quality and quantity parameters of Subdivision activity - Due diligence and risks estimation of new projects. - Evaluation of investment prospects of new projects. - Investment budgeting. Project selling Reason for change: Project has been sold.

"Avel" company

General director

С 01.04.1994 по 01.04.2004 (10 лет)

FMCG business. It had about 90 employees. 2000 - 2004 Directions: a) meat processing plant, b) “fish” butters production, c) cow hides export. a) meat processing plant: - Attracted foreign investors (from Norway and Сyprus). - Bought unfinished building. - Designed, finished and launched meat processing plant in Tver region: Received permission for constructing Received confirmation of “plant’s readiness” from state organizations Received the documentation for plant exploitation - Determination of business strategy, buying politics. - Organized production process (splitting off technological subdivisions and setting of their interconnections). - Installed budgeting ( financial planning, recording (IMR), controlling). - Organized security system. - Designed and started up production of new items (based on marketing research). - Described of business sections functional obligations and business processes. The business capitalization has been increased more than twice. b) “fish” butters production. Packaging design of “fish” butters, with “Avel” registered trademark, took silver medal at “Rosupack-2001” exhibition. c) cow hides export 1997-2000 Directions: a) fish and caviar trading b) “fish” butter production c) meat import a) fish and caviar trading - Organizing import (red caviar was bought from Alaska(U.S.)) and delivery of the goods. - Frozen fish and caviar distribution (Stipulating prices, clients credibility and so on). b) “fish” butter production - Marketing research . - Preparing technological documentation. - Getting different level permissions. - Started up production . c) Meat import from CIS countries - Established contacts with CIS “meat” companies. - Distribution of meat over processing plant. 1994-1997 Fish business. - Export of Barents sea cod fish.(Portugal, Iceland, England, Norway, Spain) - Import of herring, mackerel, capelin and so on. (Norway, Iceland, Holland, England). - Cooperation with Atlantic North fleets (bunkering, freight, financial service), - Fish processing on a giving base.(Designed package with registered trademark). - Establishment of the company branches in Upha, Lipetsk, Vladimir - Bought vessel (“Mariana” type), reconstructed and produced “green” cod. In 1996 “Avel” was №5 according to “Optovik” journal rating. In 1995-96 years the broker group, where Avel” owned 50%, took second place with exported volume of Barents sea cod. Reason for change: The business has been sold.

Avgur (now Avgur Estate)

Deputy director

С 01.02.1992 по 01.04.1994 (2 года 2 месяца)

- Responsible for import operations - Negotiations with suppliers. - Work with custom, delivery organizing., logistics - Established offshore companies, designed finance operation.









Microsoft Excel. Level 2.Extended capabilities.


SF Education


PM Expert (PMI R.E.P)


"CFO of 21-st century. How to run morden company/


Questions of investment in Real Estate in 2006.


“Competitiveness and it’s achievement methods”


Establishing and running of Private Pension Funds (PPF)


Securities operations and stock exchange


Spoken English for Industry and Commerce

Владение языками

Родной язык


Иностранные языки



Ключевые навыки

  • Negotiation skills

  • Customer business planning

  • Знание делового этикета на английском, приветствуется business english, продвинутый пользователь пк

  • presentation skills

  • Agile project management

  • Planning and organization skills

  • leadership skills

  • teambuilding

  • corporate finance

  • financial analysis

  • investment project analysis

  • Уверенный пользователь ms office

  • Знание ms project, ms excel, ms word, ms outlook, autocad.

Дополнительная информация

- Strategic managment (Including strategic marketing and planing) - Team building for designed goals. Establishment of intercommunications order between business process participants. - Operations managment - Formming of record reports and controling procedures. - Communication with state authorities (incl. fiscal ones). - Solid expierence of deal with foreing companies.

Похожие резюме


до 40 000 ₽

36 лет


Полный день

Последнее место работы

Таксик, Водитель, август 2015 - август 2016


23.10 в 09:02

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Более недели назад

Опыт работы

4 года 8 месяцев


до 65 000 ₽

49 лет


Полный день

Последнее место работы

ООО ФАКТОР, зам. зав.складом, февраль 2006 - январь 2016


30.10 в 18:05

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Более недели назад

Опыт работы

21 год 7 месяцев


до 130 000 ₽

35 лет


Полный день, Удаленная работа

Последнее место работы

Витебские продукты, ОАО, Оператор ЭВМ, ноябрь 2008 - июль 2010


15.10 в 09:04

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Более недели назад

Опыт работы

10 лет 9 месяцев