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Тип занятости
Полная занятость, Стажировка
Женщина, 33 года, родилась 21 июня 1991
Город: Свободный
Опыт работы
11 лет 7 месяцев
Main expert
С 01.01.2023 по настоящее время (2 года 2 месяца)
Verification of Executive documentation both current for execution and for archiving. Keeping records of ID. Current object: "Construction of a residential complex in Svobodny for LLC "AGСС". Verification of the volume of work performed, confirmed by signed executive documentation for signing interim executions.
Main expert
С 01.01.2023 по настоящее время (2 года 2 месяца)
Verification of Executive documentation both current for execution and for archiving. Keeping records of ID. Current object: "Construction of a residential complex in Svobodny for LLC "AGСС". Verification of the volume of work performed, confirmed by signed executive documentation for signing interim executions.
China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corporation
ABD Engineer
С 01.04.2022 по 01.01.2023 (9 месяцев)
Checking the ID for all sections of the project, keeping records of the ID of the contractor. Maintaining a report for the Chinese leadership indicating the volumes confirmed by the executive documentation and block factors preventing the signing of the executive documentation
ILK Consrtuction
Lead engineer
С 01.02.2022 по 01.04.2022 (2 месяца)
Formation of permissive documentation for obtaining an act of admission; Maintenance of executive documentation for earthworks; Drawing up orders for responsible persons; Development of a project for the production of works, technological maps for certain types of work.
LLC "Kontakt-S", LLC "Uralstroyneft", "Quality Academy"
PTO Engineer
С 01.04.2016 по 01.02.2022 (5 лет 10 месяцев)
- maintenance of executive documentation (all types of work: earthworks, welding of pipelines of technological and linear sections, welding of tanks, insulation, laying of pipelines, concrete work, all types of bases, metal structures, unbrakable control conclusions, protocols of the construction and research laboratory, installation of cables and electrical equipment, electro chemical protection, communication systems, installation and dismantling of the main building structures, as well as installation devices and accessories, TTN, warehouse accounting of materials, seasonal work, work during the warranty period); - formation of permit documentation; - Formation of a set of documentation for the delivery of the object; - Verification of compliance of the volumes of construction and installation works, as well as structures with the approved design and estimate documentation, working drawings, building codes and rules. - Taking part in the consideration and approval of changes in design decisions that arise during construction, and promptly resolving issues related to the replacement, if necessary, of materials, products, and structures. - Data collection for making adjustments to the main estimate; - Keeping records of completed construction and installation works and preparing the necessary data for reporting on the implementation of construction plans. - Checking the estimated documentation for the construction of objects, calculating the cost, accounting for the work performed. - Preparation of estimated documentation for additional work. - independently launched and closed objects. - combined pto and quality control engineer; - Human Resources Department for objects; - I trained and advised junior engineers and trainees.
LLC "Plant of reinforced concrete products", Miass city Chelyabinsk region
Process Engineer
С 01.10.2013 по 01.10.2014 (1 год)
work with drawings to "Autocad", correction of customer's drawings in accordance with the features of the production technology of railway products accounting of semi-finished products and finished products, the introduction of standards in the "1C: Еnterprise" program, preparation of the passport of finished products before sending to customers, accounting of materials spent.
LLC "Plant of reinforced concrete products" Miass city Chelyabinsk region
master of the technical control department (foreman), master of the rebar shop shift
С 01.07.2013 по 01.10.2013 (3 месяца)
Keeping a log of manufactured products, accepted products. Quality control of products manufactured in the shop, transfer of metal samples and welded fittings to the laboratory. Temporarily acting as a shift foreman and senior foreman, and was also a master of the Technical Control Department at the site of manufacturing embedded parts. Issuing tasks to workers and monitoring their performance. keeping a log of finished products for a shift, for a month.
OOO " Uralavtostroy»
С 01.06.2011 по 01.07.2011 (1 месяц)
Execution of works on finishing the premises of a residential building and preparation for commission delivery of the construction object. Maintaining a general log of work on the object (daily), indicating the volumes and names of the work performed.
South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk
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About me I am sociable, very responsible, I love people, I know how to find a way out of difficult situations, I quickly understand and succeed in any task, I make compromises, I am a confident PC user, I drive a car perfectly, 11 years driving experience. He has experience in construction, manufacturing and design (according to the profile of education). Quick and easy to learn (there are rewards for performance - certificates for participation in olympiads and competitions, silver medal for graduation), I can lead a small group of engineers.
Похожие резюме
Не указана
27 лет
Полный день
Последнее место работы
Российские железные дороги, Электромеханик тяговой подстанции, июль 2020 - январь 2021
14.01 в 03:04
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Более недели назад
Опыт работы
7 лет 3 месяца
Не указана
33 года
Полный день
Последнее место работы
Стройтрансгаз, ОАО, Стропальщик, Монтажник ЖБК, май 2017 - январь 2019
26.11 в 03:02
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Более недели назад
Опыт работы
3 года 9 месяцев
до 30 000 ₽
30 лет
Полный день
Последнее место работы
ООО "СпецТех-ДВ", Личный помощник заместителя генерального директора, июль 2018 - октябрь 2018
13.01 в 15:03
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Более недели назад
Опыт работы
6 месяцев