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Тип занятости
Полная занятость, Частичная занятость, Проектная работа/разовое задание
Мужчина, 40 лет, родился 9 апреля 1984
Город: Алматы
Опыт работы
27 лет 4 месяца
Inter-Governmental Council Secretariat funded by USAID / World Bank
Deputy Executive Director
С 01.11.2020 по настоящее время (4 года 3 месяца)
• 1.3 GW of Renewables Power Transmission Regional Project over 1300km length of transmission lines enabling Clean Energy Trade between Central and South Asian Countries using HVDC technology. • 1.2 Billion USD project value funded by consortium of International Financial Institutions and managed directly by Energy Ministries of participating countries via their Inter-Governmental Council Secretariat. • 10 EPC Contracts of 1.2B USD contract value are all being implemented across participating countries.
Inter-Governmental Council Secretariat funded by USAID / World Bank
Deputy Executive Director
С 01.11.2020 по настоящее время (4 года 3 месяца)
• 1.3 GW of Renewables Power Transmission Regional Project over 1300km length of transmission lines enabling Clean Energy Trade between Central and South Asian Countries using HVDC technology. • 1.2 Billion USD project value funded by consortium of International Financial Institutions and managed directly by Energy Ministries of participating countries via their Inter-Governmental Council Secretariat. • 10 EPC Contracts of 1.2B USD contract value are all being implemented across participating countries.
AES Corporation
Plant General Director
С 01.09.2017 по 01.10.2020 (3 года 1 месяц)
• 1.32 GW Super-Critical Power Plant (with MGR, CHP and Coal Mine) Major Project Development and Execution with around 1.6 Billion USD project contract value divided between 5 EPCs for implementation. • The Project was successfully completed from pre-commissioning thru start-up achieving COD and operated the plant post-COD reducing EFOF down to 0.9% in only 4 months, under my direct leadership and management. • 8000+ construction teams and 1000+ O&M employees under direct management.
Fluor Corporation
Plant General Director
С 01.05.2016 по 01.08.2017 (1 год 3 месяца)
Fluor Corporation as a PMC is responsible to manage EPC of 2 Petrochemical Plants: PP 180 KTA and HDPE 120 KTA respective design capacities. • Major Project Development and Execution with around 1 Billion USD project contract value for 2 plants. • Polypropylene (PP) Plant 180KTA • High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Plant 120KTA • 500+ employees under direct management.
AES Corporation
Plant General Director
С 01.10.2014 по 01.05.2016 (1 год 7 месяцев)
Plant Manager & General Director of Coal Fired Power Plant (300 MW) AES Kazakhstan CHP 300 MW Coal fired heat and electricity combined cycle plant produces 75 MW/hr of electricity and 232 GCal/hr heat and steam. 350+ staff including shared services functions. The Plant operates with 3 Steam Boiler Units (3x160T) and 2 Steam Turbines (75&25MW). • Manage country business operations and market development opportunities • Stakeholders, Partner and Government relationship management • Business Budget development & planning, P&L, OPEX and CAPEX effective management • Ensuring a safe and reliable operations of the coal fired power plant • Manage all plant O&M and other functions including HSE, finance, operations, maintenance, supply chain & logistics, legal, PR&GR, security and others. • Set priorities and objectives in line with corporate strategic business plan elements • Manage, train and provide performance feedback to plant leadership personnel • Deliver plant production targets and financial budget • Making continuous improvement part of daily business processes & activities • Relentless pursuit to identify root cause when complex operational challenges occur • Plan, prioritize and execute major outages and overhauls of Boiler and Turbine Units
BP (British Petroleum)
Regional Operations Performance Manager
С 01.09.2005 по 01.10.2014 (9 лет 1 месяц)
Roles and Responsibilities: The Operations Performance Manager is accountable for team of 50 people and responsible for below mentioned areas in AGT Region Engineering Services (ES) Functions. - Strategy & Planning - Setting Standards, Policies, Processes - Supports OMS deployment in Engineering Services - Management and coordination of Management of Change Process - Support Safety & Operational Risk (S&OR) - ES Risk management process - coaching and support - Coordinate self-assessment program for Engineering Services Organization, driving compliance to OMS and identification gap identification and closure - Manage data, documentation and information across ES (In conjunction with S&OR) - Management of Engineering Contractors (e.g. Discipline Engineering, Project and Modifications, Scaffolding Insulation and Painting, Inspection and etc.) - Ensure visibility of contributions of each individual objective set to the ESM Performance Contract - Improve performance on Traction and ES KPIs and to inform ES Mangers of their past, present and future status on performance - Preparation of Annual Budgets, LTP inputs and progress management, BPE updates, invoice processing, backbone integration, support to all business processes - Cost estimating, commitments & invoicing, provision of detailed monthly cost reports & forecasts, Linkage to Finance; JV and Audit preparation - People management - Building and managing a team that comprises the areas of Planning, Contractor management as part of Category Management, Information Management and document control, MOC, Risk Management coordination and performance management - Manage a consistent approach to Planning across Engineering Services Management (ESM) - Manage a consistent approach to cost estimation and control across ESM and link to central functions in these areas - Liaison & co-operation across ES, other functional areas in Region, and with peers in other Regions - Input relevant subject matter expertise into recommendations for key procurement decisions, as required and contractors to ensure delivery is aligned with BP and region objectives.
Local EPC Company
Project Engineer
С 01.05.2001 по 01.09.2005 (4 года 4 месяца)
Project and Design Engineer
Bashkir State University, Ufa
Khazar University
MBA Diploma
MBA Diploma
Владение языками
Родной язык
Иностранные языки
Английский, Ту?
Ключевые навыки
Coo & ceo
Agile project management
Построение и оптимизация бизнес-процессов
продвижение бренда; маркетинговый анализ; стратегический менеджмент.
управление производством
Долгосрочное бюджетирование и планирование
Разговорный английский язык
Продажи, управление проектами, коммуникации, операционный менеджмент
управление бизнес процессами
1с: управление предприятием
Опыт работы от 3-х лет: технический маркетинг / сервис/ проектный менеджмент / r&d
организационное развитие
создание и управление процессами
антикризисное управление
Оценка и мотивация персонала
Похожие резюме
до 300 000 ₽
24 года
Полный день
Последнее место работы
База отдыха "Habana", Администратор, июнь 2017 - август 2017
23.10 в 09:19
Был на сайте
Более недели назад
Опыт работы
5 лет 6 месяцев
Не указана
29 лет
Полный день, Гибкий график
Последнее место работы
ТОО "АБС-ЛДстрой", Офис-менеджер, сентябрь 2016 - по настоящее время
08.12 в 21:03
Был на сайте
Более недели назад
Опыт работы
24 года 1 месяц
Не указана
45 лет
Полный день
Последнее место работы
Ген.Прокуратура Республики Каракалпакстан, Помошник прокурора, август 1998 - октябрь 2000
01.12 в 15:03
Был на сайте
Более недели назад
Опыт работы
19 лет 7 месяцев