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Помощник программиста

до 150 000 ₽



Тип занятости

Полная занятость

Мужчина, 67 лет, родился 16 сентября 1957

Город: Москва

Опыт работы

50 лет 6 месяцев

"Khrimian Franz Kiel" LLC

Director General

С 01.04.2015 по настоящее время (9 лет 10 месяцев)

General management of the Company, preparing financial reports to shareholders, development of new projects (export-oriented).

"Khrimian Franz Kiel" LLC

Director General

С 01.04.2015 по настоящее время (9 лет 10 месяцев)

General management of the Company, preparing financial reports to shareholders, development of new projects (export-oriented).

OOO " Torgoviy Dom OMIS"

Deputy General director, finance

С 01.10.2010 по 01.09.2014 (3 года 11 месяцев)

Overall control of all financial issues of the Group. Cash-flow management, budgeting, monthly consolidated financial statements (CF, PL, BS) and reporting to Shareholders. Negotiations with the banks, successfull raiseup of bank loans (long-term and short-term multicurrency credit facilities). During these years overall credit limit for the Group had been increased from 50 to 180 mio.rub. Budgeting, functions of budget controller. Implementation of factoring operations, leasing of transport and warehouse equipment.

NFQ Advertising Group

financial director

С 01.12.2008 по 01.11.2009 (11 месяцев)

Setting up a financial department, Cash-flow management, Budgeting and reporting, cost control, financial planning, Analisys of economical efficiency of Group projects. Set up of management accounting and reporting from zero

SF Palmoil

financial director

С 01.02.2008 по 01.12.2008 (10 месяцев)

Management accounting and reporting, Cash-flow management, Budgeting and reporting, cost control, financial planning and forecasting, Negotiations with the banks (trade finance), Negotiations with exporters.

Central Distribution Company

financial director

С 01.03.2006 по 01.02.2008 (1 год 11 месяцев)

The Company is an exclusive distributor of Procter&Gamble in Moscow and Moscow region with annual sales of usd 400 mio. Management of financial department (26 employees). Overall responsibility for all financial affairs: - fiscal and management accounting and reporting; - budgeting, - cost control, - cash-flow management; - credit control; - relations with the banks (loans, overdrafts).


General Director

С 01.06.2004 по 01.06.2005 (1 год)

General director - creation of a company from scratch, - recruitment, - opening of branches, - business planning, - budget planning and control, - strategic and operational planning of the company's activities, - attraction and management of large projects, - organization of ship maintenance in ports, - organization of container turnover in ports, logistics, terminal processing, depot

Sovfracht-Sovmortrans Group of companies

financial director

С 01.08.1981 по 01.05.2004 (22 года 9 месяцев)

1981 - 1990 - various positions in financial and accounting departments of Moscow office of the Group, 1988 - 6-month training in "Uniorient Shipping, Trading, Transport S.A.", branch office in Tokyo, Japan; 1990 - 2001 - financial director of "Transmed Shipping S.A.", branch office of the Group in Piraeus, Greece, Managing director of "Medfortune Shipping", offshore unit for shipmanagement and chartering operations; 2001 - 2004 - deputy General director of Sovmortrans, Moscow, in charge of finance; 2004 - 2005 - General director of CMA CGM Rus, joint-venture agency office of Sovmortrans and CMA CGM, Marseille.



Financial University (ex-Moscow financial institute)


MS Office - 2007 (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)


1C v.8 - computerised accounting and tax programs

Владение языками

Родной язык


Иностранные языки



Ключевые навыки

  • Работоспособность

Дополнительная информация

Management reporting (CF, PL, BS). Budgeting, Budget controller. Good knowledge of fiscal, tax and currency laws and regulations, Russian and internationally accepted accounting practices. Financial and General director as from 1990, good experience in leading financial teams of up to 26 people, companies of up to 200 employees and annual sales of up to 400 mio.usd. Good negotiating skills with the banks for bank finance (loans, overdrafts, trade finance), experience in implementation of factoring and leasing operations (up to 250 units of transport and warehouse equipment simultaneously).

Похожие резюме


Не указана

36 лет


Полный день

Последнее место работы

ООО "СтроМинжтранс", Помощник геодезиста, июнь 2008 - октябрь 2008


01.11 в 09:03

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

19 лет 9 месяцев


Не указана

48 лет


Гибкий график, Удаленная работа

Последнее место работы

ЗАО "КОМПЭЛ", Бренд-менеджер, март 2003 - октябрь 2005


13.11 в 21:11

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

27 лет 5 месяцев


до 120 000 ₽

47 лет


Полный день, Гибкий график, Удаленная работа

Последнее место работы

Волгоградский колледж потребительской кооперации, Преподаватель экономики и бухгалтерского учета, сентябрь 2001 - сентябрь 2003


14.11 в 15:03

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

25 лет 4 месяца