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тестировщик мобильных приложений

до 1 000 000 ₽



Тип занятости

Полная занятость

Мужчина, 36 лет, родился 14 августа 1988

Город: Астана

Опыт работы

13 лет 8 месяцев

LLP Grand Telecom

Project Manager

С 01.11.2020 по настоящее время (4 года 4 месяца)

- Provision of services for digital network equipment of operational and technological communication in «TransTelekom» JSC at 442 stations of National Company «Kazakhstan Temir Zholy» JSC in accordance with a long-term agreement on the provision of telecommunication services. An authorized representative of the companies with a letter of attorney from the head of the companies within the framework of the project. - Operational interaction with factory-manufacturer of equipment for the digital network of operational and technological communication with Group of Companies «INFORMTEKHNIKA and Promsvyz» for the sections of National Company «Kazakhstan Temir Zholy» JSC. Monitoring the fulfillment of contract obligations within the framework of the project. - Procuring the timely identification of risks and their managing within the project. Aching goals within strict budgets, deadlines and agreements according to the project schedule. - Fulfillment of bank obligations in accordance with the agreement with «Bank «RBK Bank» JSC within the framework of the project. Control of payment methods for services rendered. Payment forecast report within the project. - Organizing and participating in meetings, conference calls and providing project reports to stakeholders, working group, executive organizations and administrative management of staff.

LLP Grand Telecom

Project Manager

С 01.11.2020 по настоящее время (4 года 4 месяца)

- Provision of services for digital network equipment of operational and technological communication in «TransTelekom» JSC at 442 stations of National Company «Kazakhstan Temir Zholy» JSC in accordance with a long-term agreement on the provision of telecommunication services. An authorized representative of the companies with a letter of attorney from the head of the companies within the framework of the project. - Operational interaction with factory-manufacturer of equipment for the digital network of operational and technological communication with Group of Companies «INFORMTEKHNIKA and Promsvyz» for the sections of National Company «Kazakhstan Temir Zholy» JSC. Monitoring the fulfillment of contract obligations within the framework of the project. - Procuring the timely identification of risks and their managing within the project. Aching goals within strict budgets, deadlines and agreements according to the project schedule. - Fulfillment of bank obligations in accordance with the agreement with «Bank «RBK Bank» JSC within the framework of the project. Control of payment methods for services rendered. Payment forecast report within the project. - Organizing and participating in meetings, conference calls and providing project reports to stakeholders, working group, executive organizations and administrative management of staff.

MSE «Metropolitan»

The Department of Information Technology: Engineer services.

С 01.09.2013 по 01.09.2016 (3 года)

- Work with legislative, regulatory and legal acts, as well as with the resolutions of regional and local authorities regulating the production, economic and financial activities of the Enterprise.  To arrange technical inspections of equipment, acceptance of new entrants into the Enterprise equipment, as required documentation for write-off or transfer to other services.  Participation in the development of a comprehensive action plan for improvement of working conditions and safety.  Cooperation with the heads of all services and departments of the Enterprise on issues within the competence.  Ensuring the development and implementation of measures to save and reduce operating costs.  Organization and control of the technical condition of personal computers in the Enterprise. Admission of new personal computers, replacement of cartridges on printers and copiers of users.

Hotel Holiday INN Almaty

Sales and Marketing Departments: Sales Coordinator. / Front office: Reception clerk.

С 01.12.2008 по 01.08.2011 (2 года 8 месяцев)

Sales and Marketing Departments: Sales Coordinator. - Organization of events and registration of guests. - Working with client (proposing events, offer conference and meeting rooms, offered banqueting menu, acquaintance with hotel rooms). - Work with customers before and after signing the contracts. - Prepare for the weekly revenue meeting-updating the whiteboard, monitoring weekly budget/actual turnover. - Development and preparation of special packages for clients in order to attract them. Front office: Reception clerk. - Control of room reservation, registration on accommodation and accompany of guests. - Control of payment methods for services rendered. Preparation of the room forecast reports. Organization transports for guests around the city. - Preparation of financial and management forecasts and sales reports on a daily and monthly basis. - Night Audit Procedures. - Program Priority Club Rewards: Attracting and registration guests to the international programs for bonus points which give privileges within the hotel.



East China Normal University


China University of Mining and Technology


Kazakh university of transport and communications


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty


Central Asian University


АО "НЦПК "Өрлеу"


Non-goverment Centre for Quality Assessment




ФАО "НЦПК "Өрлеу" ИПК ПР г. Алматы


Учебный Центр "Дауленбаев А.А."

Владение языками

Родной язык


Иностранные языки

Английский, Китайский, Русский


Ключевые навыки

  • Strong communication skills

  • excellent team member

  • eager to learn new skills

  • excellent attention to detail

  • leadership skills

  • quality management system skills

  • energy management system skills

  • Разговорный английский язык

  • sales management

  • Planning and organization skills

  • disciplined

  • responsible

  • highly qualified skills

  • negotiation skills

  • Уверенный пользователь пк

  • Эффективное ведение переговоров

  • Пк деловая переписка

  • Знание ms project, ms excel, ms word, ms outlook, autocad.

  • Хорошие организаторские навыки

  • Adobe photoshop, работа в команде, концепт арт

  • Коммуникационные навыки: грамотная речь, умение находить контактные лица, вести переговоры и получат

  • водительское удостоверение категории b

  • • написание текстов • деловое общение • организация мероприятий • планирование рекламных кампаний •

  • 1с: зарплата и управление персоналом

  •  опытный пользователь пк (word, excel, internet и др.);

  • работа с большим объемом информации

  • Оперативный поиск информации в интернете

  • Составление и заключение договоров

  • B2b продажи поиск и привлечение клиентов телефонные переговоры навыки продаж 1с: предприятие 8 подго

  • руководство коллективом

  • Деловой этикет работа в команде грамотная речь ориентация на результат

Дополнительная информация

Dear Sir/Madam, First of all, I would like to thank you for your time and for giving me this opportunity to apply for the Project manager position and I believe that the job requirements and my skills will be helpful for your team. My name is Aitzhanov Tanirbergen Makhsutovich. I'm 34 years old, from Almaty (Kazakhstan). After graduating from two universities in Almaty (Kazakhstan) with a bachelor’s degree in law and another in information systems, I have studied the Chinese language for one year in Xuzhou city in Jiangsu province (China) and in 2018 I was graduated with a Master's degree in Politics (in English) at East China Normal University in Shanghai (China). Today I’m looking for an interesting international team where I can be useful and valuable with my experiences and knowledges. After working for more than eight years as a manager and IT engineer, I’ve developed many important skills, including decision-making and multitasking. That background will help me achieve all the goals you have set for your team. In my free time, I enjoy reading, bicycling and swimming. It provides me with a good balance in my life. If you have any extra, questions please feel free contact me to tanirbergen.aytzhanov@yandex.ru or What's App: +7 702 758 75 28 Once again thank you for reviewing my resume, I appreciate your time and consideration. Sincerely: Tanirbergen A.

Похожие резюме


до 600 000 ₽

27 лет


Полный день

Последнее место работы

TOO "Bayan", Инженер-электрик, май 2018 - май 2019


21.11 в 21:02

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

6 лет 11 месяцев


Не указана

34 года


Полный день, Гибкий график, Удаленная работа

Последнее место работы

МИД РК ТОО "It Astana Kz", it-специалист, март 2012 - январь 2013


13.12 в 15:09

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

15 лет


Не указана

49 лет


Полный день, Гибкий график, Удаленная работа

Последнее место работы

Налоговый комитет по городу Актобе, главный инспектор отдела по работе с налогоплательщиками, август 1997 - март 2001


05.11 в 03:02

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

30 лет 8 месяцев