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Не указана
Тип занятости
Полная занятость
Мужчина, 40 лет, родился 17 марта 1984
Город: Алматы
Опыт работы
22 года 10 месяцев
Quantum A KAZ LLP
CCO, Коммерческий Директор
С 01.06.2020 по настоящее время (4 года 8 месяцев)
Managing commercial operations of local subsidiary of Quantum A (funbox.ru) group of companies in Kazakhstan
Quantum A KAZ LLP
CCO, Коммерческий Директор
С 01.06.2020 по настоящее время (4 года 8 месяцев)
Managing commercial operations of local subsidiary of Quantum A (funbox.ru) group of companies in Kazakhstan
Кселл, АО
Head of product development (activ,kcell), VAS, CVM,CBM. Managing 4 units
С 01.08.2017 по 01.01.2020 (2 года 5 месяцев)
Managing B2C product development portfolio for Kcell, Activ brands, customer value management (CVM), customer base management (CBM), VAS(value added services). Manager for 4 unit.
Кселл, АО
Head of sales for non exclusive chanells
С 01.01.2017 по 01.07.2017 (6 месяцев)
Managing product development and sales process to non exclusive sales chanells.
Tele2 Kazakhstan / Altel (Алтел)
Deputy Product Director
С 01.07.2014 по 01.01.2017 (2 года 6 месяцев)
Responsible for : B2B,B2C,M2M,VAS,MBB,B2G,Roaming Executive, Customer Base Management,supplie chain. Kazkom project co-brand card, kino.tele2.kz-Tele2 cinema product Mobile Number Portability project implementation. Altel price plan portfolio simplification.
Tele2 Kazakhstan
Product Manager
С 01.04.2013 по 01.07.2014 (1 год 3 месяца)
Responsible for all activities from product side: B2B,B2C,M2M,VAS,MBB Acting head of product December 13-April 14 1) Billing migration project from CBOSS to Bercut. 2) Money lending
Tele2 Kazakhstan
Acting Head of Product department
С 01.12.2012 по 01.04.2013 (4 месяца)
Responsible for all activities from product side: B2B,B2C,M2M,VAS,MBB, Customer base management, Customer value management,Direct Marketing, upsale, retention. Changed strategy of price plan selling – revenue, customer base and other KPI was provided according to BU. MNP implementation in Kazakhstan project, from commercial office, Tele2 proposal of implementation in Kazakhstan to regulator.
Tele2 Kazakhstan
Product Manager
С 01.11.2011 по 01.12.2012 (1 год 1 месяц)
Product Manager (Reporting to CCO, from 01/09/2012 Reporting to Head of Product) 1) Create and implement of Customer Base count and manage policy. 2) Free Internet access for Web Self-care service launch. 3) New Number (Новый номер) service launch. 4) New Year product (Новогодний беспредел) product launch. 5) Double Strike price plans launch. 6) Corporate price plans commercial launch. 7) Shymkent, Taraz regions launch (Price Plan, retention campaigns, offers -50% for onnet) 8) Nauryz campaign for supporting trade activities. 9) Acquisition campaign “Take your friend” campaign. 10) Call waiting service activation. 11) Managing of MMS interconnection with Kar Tel LLP(Beeline Kazakhstan) and Tele2 Russia. 12) CLIP service (Определитель скрытых номеров) launch. 13) Battle for Respect campaign support from product side. 14) Bond campaign support from product side. 15) Create regional structure for price plans and services.(IVR, VAS, etc.) 16) Launch Nokaut price plan 17) Customer base management (upsale) 18) SMS buckets service launch 19) Reverse RBT service launch 20)Customer base management, Customer value management,Direct Marketing, upsale, retention.
Tele2 Kazakhstan
Product manager
С 01.10.2010 по 01.10.2011 (1 год)
01.10.2010 – 01.11.2011 Product Manager (Reporting to CCO) VAS 1. Content providers: 1) Development of new agreement for content provider services. 2) Resigning it with all providers and banks. 3) Negotiate all old agreement relations with increasing revenue share into Operator side. 4) Automatisation of monthly mutual settlements process with content providers. 5) Increase revenue to 15% in total vas portfolio revenue including sms and data. 6) Launch of Gudok (RBT) service under Tele2 brand, launch of successful campaigns on New year, st Valentine day, 8 of march, Nauryz and all other campaigns. 7) Launch of Copy melody service.(*) 8) Launch of gift service on RBT. 9) Launch of User Generated Content service (Свой Гудок-Svoi Gudok) 10) Launch and develop STK services (Tele2 Guide). 11) Launch of Voice Mail service. 12) Launch of Allo SMS interconnect with Altel. 13) Create basement for content provider service policy. 2. Mobile Broadband full product development 1) Agreement, packaging, product (Internet drive price plan) 2) Launch (development) of Internet buckets service. (Febr., May., Nov.) 3) Launch (development) of 3G Maxi service 4) Managing software development process for Tele2 Kazakhstan modems. 5) Development, and managing process of preparing packaging for MBB product (Box, Guarantee Talon, User Guide) 6) Agreement with modem supplier (Huawei) 7) Tele2 3G network test campaign 3. Other 1) Agreement with sim card supplier, managing production issues (design, sim card chip specification, delivery issues). Supply chain issues management. (Order, payments, delivery etc.) 2) Managing sim application issues (pre-installed applications, pre-installed phone book, STK applet.) 3) Agreement with prepaid voucher supplier, policy of data exchange between Operator and Supplier, managing production issues (design, specification, and delivery issues). Supply chain issues management.(Order, payments, delivery etc.) 4) Splitting all International call destinations into 3 price zones project. 5) Launch of Call Back roaming service. (Countries, operators, operations). 6) Managing roaming activities from product side (Megafone,Tele2Russia, Nurtelecom camel roaming launch). 7) Easy access to vkontakte.ru service (Operator neo 2010 years campaign) 8) Choose number (Выбор номера) service launch. 9) Video call service launch. 10) 3G service activation for all subscribers. 11) Internet Access without settings service. 12) Author of numbering plan usage policy. 13) Author of msisdns categories policy. 14) One start-package concept implementation.(with support from brand manager perspective.) 15) Change of increment on price plans and services according to regulator policies. (Feb11) 16) Create product map, Tele2 Brand commercial launch. 17) I’m online service launch. 18) Splitcharge service launch (Звонов за счет друга) . 19) Advertising after customer balance, missed call alert, handset settings etc.
LLP “Mobile Telecom - Service” NEOgsm Mobile Operator
Administrator of VAS Services, IN
С 01.03.2007 по 01.10.2010 (3 года 7 месяцев)
O&M of non voice service platforms: SMSC, MMSC, USSD GW, ADC, SDP, MIEP(WAP GW), USSD Application system. Projects: 1) OTA platform based: activation of second MSISDN, upgrade of Java applets on sim-cards. 2) Analyze proposals of vendors (Missed call notification, Notify me, Multimedia call completion ) 3) Support, perform, operation of new services, tp, promotions. 4) Perform all ussd menu for company. 5) Reports for management.
LLP “Mobile Telecom - Service” NEOgsm Mobile Operator
Billing engineer
С 01.02.2007 по 01.03.2007 (1 месяц)
01.02.2007 - 01.03.2007 Billing Engineer. User access administration of IN convergent billing platform (Alcatel-Lucent). Involved into start up project of ICB (Instant Convergent Billing) of Alcatel Lucent, Charging proxy (Alcatel Lucent data charging solution) (start up)
Service Desk Engineer
С 01.10.2005 по 01.01.2007 (1 год 3 месяца)
"ITS" LTD. 10.10.2005 - 31.01.2007 IT Service Desk Engineer. (VAS service monitoring, managing subs. requests from CC Dpt. to IT and TD departments, by outsource for GSM Kazakhstan OJSC Kazakhtelecom LLP)
CBOSS Buisness Object
O&M USSD Application system
O&M SMSC part 2 (Israel)
O&M MMSC (Israel)
O&M of instant convergent billing
O&M Service Delivery Platform
O&M SMSC part 1(Israel),
Владение языками
Родной язык
Иностранные языки
Английский, Русский
Ключевые навыки
Product management
negotiation skills
business development
analytical skills
Agile project management
team management
• маркетинговые исследования • анализ рынка • swot анализ • аналитическое мышление • стратегический
Знание протоколов openrtb, vast, vpaid
Создание/развитие b2c-сервисов
Коммерческий отдела развития продаж маркетингу роп ром b2b б2б операционный исполнительный
wi-fi roaming
Data driven product development
Лидогенерация, cvm, маркетинг, (a/b тестирование, retention, mau, ltv, cr, tr
b2c marketing
Hr business strategy
Дополнительная информация
Manager with more than 10 year experience with experience of launching mobile telecom operator from the startup to mature player on market which drives whole market. Communicative, responsible, punctual, can work in collective and by myself, not married, driving license (B), possible to make a business trip.
Похожие резюме
Не указана
38 лет
Полный день
Последнее место работы
ТОО "Жігер-17", Офис-менеджер., июнь 2009 - октябрь 2011
21.10 в 06:17
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Более недели назад
Опыт работы
11 лет 4 месяца
до 60 000 ₽
33 года
Полный день
Последнее место работы
115 школа, Преподаватель Английского языка, сентябрь 2018 - по настоящее время
31.10 в 09:49
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Более недели назад
Опыт работы
12 лет 2 месяца
Не указана
Полный день, Удаленная работа
Последнее место работы
Кафе "Форт Верный'', Повар мясник, июль 2002 - сентябрь 2003
24.11 в 15:05
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Более недели назад
Опыт работы
18 лет 9 месяцев