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Тип занятости
Полная занятость
Мужчина, 43 года, родился 26 декабря 1981
Город: Москва
Опыт работы
26 лет 1 месяц
Branch LLC «RN-Exploration» in Aktau (Kazakhstan)
Branch Director
С 01.11.2017 по настоящее время (7 лет 3 месяца)
- Carry out operational management of the Branch in accordance with the plans approved by the Parent Company. - To organize and ensure the development and implementation of current and future work plans of the branch. - Conduct a systematic analysis of the state of affairs on issues within the competence of the Branch, on its basis, prepare a proposal to the management of the Parent Company for making appropriate decisions. - Represent the interests of the Parent Company in the face of the branch in the state authorities, the tax authorities, funds, services and facilities, as well as credit and financial institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Implementation of financial control functions of the Project Operator in the interests of the Parent Company. - Ensure the correct application of current legislation and local regulations in the activities of the Branch. - Ensure the creation of the necessary working conditions and the moral and psychological climate in the staff of the Branch, the observance of labor discipline by employees. - Observe and monitor the implementation of industrial and fire safety, occupational safety and the environment.
Branch LLC «RN-Exploration» in Aktau (Kazakhstan)
Branch Director
С 01.11.2017 по настоящее время (7 лет 3 месяца)
- Carry out operational management of the Branch in accordance with the plans approved by the Parent Company. - To organize and ensure the development and implementation of current and future work plans of the branch. - Conduct a systematic analysis of the state of affairs on issues within the competence of the Branch, on its basis, prepare a proposal to the management of the Parent Company for making appropriate decisions. - Represent the interests of the Parent Company in the face of the branch in the state authorities, the tax authorities, funds, services and facilities, as well as credit and financial institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Implementation of financial control functions of the Project Operator in the interests of the Parent Company. - Ensure the correct application of current legislation and local regulations in the activities of the Branch. - Ensure the creation of the necessary working conditions and the moral and psychological climate in the staff of the Branch, the observance of labor discipline by employees. - Observe and monitor the implementation of industrial and fire safety, occupational safety and the environment.
Rosneft Stroytransgaz Limited (Algeria)
Financial Director
С 01.12.2012 по 01.03.2017 (4 года 3 месяца)
- Managing the financial day to day operational aspects of the Company, lead the finance team. - Development of new, improvement and optimization of existing finance procedures and internal finance processes. - Prepare the 3-5Y business plans and participation in 10-20Y strategy workout (financial modeling and investment appraisal). - Managing and control over preparation of main financial reports P&L, B/S, CF, etc (monthly, quarter, annually); Developing analytics around key performance indicators to facilitate qualitative reporting. - Coordination of budget process and subsequent reporting. Developing the appropriate budget procedure (determining structure, forms and budget holder), coordination of work with all departments, consolidation of information and presentation to the Board of Directors. Implementation monthly forecasting of financial results versus budget. - Cash flow planning and forecasting (monthly, quarter, annually). Supporting the financial liquidity of the Company. - Tax optimization - Preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS and ensure positive audit opinion. - Coordination and support of the interim and annual audit process (internal and external). - Preparation of investment packages, financial reporting, analysis of financial results, budget presentations, audit results and all other necessary information to the Boards of Directors and Shareholders (Russia and Algeria parties).
Rosneft Stroytransgaz Limited (Algeria)
Head of Budget Department
С 01.03.2012 по 01.12.2012 (9 месяцев)
- Managing and controlling the activities of the Department related to the monitoring costs of the Company and the budgeting process. - Development of the annual budget of the Company on the basis of scenario conditions derived from the management of the Association. Preparation of presentations of the budget. - Work with the experts of the Department of cost control to ensure the execution of key performance indicators of the Company. - Analysis of the reasons for the discrepancy reporting and planning data of the budget of the Company. Analysis of the causes of deviations from the key performance indicators and developing proposals on their elimination. - Development and preparation of current reports on the management request of the Company. - Coordinating the activities of the Company within the approved work plan and budget of the Company.
Open Joint Stock Company “ Polyus Gold”
Deputy Head of Economic Analysis and Planning Methodology
С 01.12.2010 по 01.02.2012 (1 год 2 месяца)
-Participation in the development of key indexes and system of control indexes of the consolidated budget and the budgets of business units. -Organization of the work on a ground and concordance of budgeting terms and control indexes on directions activity for development of budgets business units and the consolidated budget of the group. -Analyzing and controlling of the internal prices for products, services and business units within the group. -Carrying out of the factorial analysis of deviations of budgetary indicators (plan-plan, plan-expectation, plan-fact, fact-fact) at formation of the consolidated budget of group and performance reports. -Based of the data of the factorial analysis preparation of presentations, explanatory notes and reports to management of company. -Carrying out of the analysis of the causes of differences the accounting and planned budget figures cost business units, consolidated budget ex-penditures, costing marketable products. -Works on modernization and automation of the budget model of group, development of compatible methods of planning and estimation of activity business unit and the group as a whole.
Limited liability company “Northern Lights” Oil Company”
Deputy Head of Financial and Economic Department
С 01.04.2010 по 01.07.2010 (3 месяца)
- Managing the budget system of the company: (coordination the strategy and the operation planning of processes; forming, analysis and coordination budgets of the company (the budget of funds and the budget of expenses), the analyze of plan-fact of budget execution; - The Financial and economic analysis (the economic and financial calculation of efficiency of various business processes, making decisions to increase the efficiency of the company.) - The analysis of expenses of the company and working out the recommendations about their optimization and reduction; - Hold negotiations with financial and credit organizations regarding additional financing, re-structuring of already available creditor debts (the conclusion and support of credit contracts).
Limited liability company “Northern Lights” Oil Company”
Main Specialist of Financial and Economic Department
С 01.12.2008 по 01.03.2010 (1 год 3 месяца)
- Managing the budget system of the company: (coordination the strategy and the operation planning of processes; forming, analysis and coordination budgets of the company (the budget of funds and the budget of expenses), the analyze of plan-fact of budget execution; - The Financial and economic analysis (the economic and financial calculation of efficiency of various business processes, making decisions to increase the efficiency of the company.) - The analysis of expenses of the company and working out the recommendations about their optimization and reduction; - Hold negotiations with financial and credit organizations regarding additional financing, re-structuring of already available creditor debts (the conclusion and support of credit contracts).
Limited liability company “OMZ - Oil and gas projects (Izhora factories)”
The Specialist of Planning
С 01.06.2008 по 01.12.2008 (6 месяцев)
- Drawing up the contracts and its control in the company; - Formed the budgets of the projects and control its realization; - Drawing up, control and analysis the funds movement under the projects; - Drawing up and analysis the budgets execution of the company; - The forecast and analysis of tax loading (Profit and VAT) of the company.
Limited liability company “Glo-bel Petroservice”
Leading Specialist
С 01.10.2005 по 01.05.2008 (2 года 7 месяцев)
- Drawing up the contracts and its control in the company; - Negotiating about projects; - Calculation the cost price of projects; - Calculation the budget of the project and control its execution; - The analysis of funds movement under the projects and also of the company; - Preparation documents for tenders; - Providing company with certification under the international standard ISO 9001; - The certification of the company’s products in “Rostest”; - Logistics the cargoes of the company;
Limited liability company ООО “Mosregiongaz”, Budget and Financial Department
Leading Specialist
С 01.08.2004 по 01.10.2005 (1 год 2 месяца)
- The financial calculations the contracts of realization and deliveries; - Conducting business correspondence; - Drawing up and check out the reports under the contracts of realization and deliveries; - The data control and updating of the account in 1С; - The analysis and an estimation of indicators of current activity of the company; - Work with agency and cession contracts
I.M.Gubkina Russian State University of oil and gas
Курсы для менеджеров и аналитиков рынка Forex
Владение языками
Родной язык
Иностранные языки
Ключевые навыки
Финансовый анализ
Консолидированная управленческая отчетность
финансовый контроль
Долгосрочное бюджетирование и планирование
финансовое планирование
Статистическая финансовая отчетность
B2b продажи поиск и привлечение клиентов телефонные переговоры навыки продаж 1с: предприятие 8 подго
Анализ финансовых показателей, финансовый менеджмент
Эффективное ведение переговоров
Бит.финанс: управленческий учет
Adobe photoshop, работа в команде, концепт арт
руководство коллективом
экономический анализ
формирование бюджета
управление затратами
1с: зарплата и управление персоналом
работа с большим объемом информации
Дополнительная информация
User: Microsoft Office; Internet Explorer; Etalon 5; 1С 7.7.; 1С 8.0.; Lotus Notes 7. Strategic thinking, high proficiency, analytical mind, strong communication skill, ability to work under pressure, responsive and cheerful team member.
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