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до 150 000 ₽
Тип занятости
Полная занятость
Женщина, 41 год, родилась 18 декабря 1983
Город: Москва
Опыт работы
7 лет 2 месяца
Ukhta State Technical University (International Department)
Engineer/International Affairs Coordinator
С 01.02.2012 по 01.10.2014 (2 года 8 месяцев)
• Support and development of the existing university foreign partners’ database. • Market research for foreign industrial and educational perspective partners in the oil and gas field and establishment of mutually beneficial relationships and cooperation with them. • Work with databases of the USTU International Department. • Initiation and conduct of negotiations followed by the development of joint cooperation and participation in joint grants agreements in Russian and English languages. • Monitoring of contract compliance. • Planning, organization and translation of meetings/lectures with foreign guests of USTU, representatives of leading oil and gas companies, such as Backer Hughes, Shlumberge, Haliburton and others members of SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers). • Simultaneous Russian/English translations of oil and gas related lectures, seminars, meetings, tours, and hospitality support to foreign guests and lecturers of USTU. • Conduct of English language club for USTU students and staff. • Initiation, negotiation and organization of TOEFL testing sight opening on USTU premises (currently the only testing center in Komi republic). • Organization of TOEFL preparatory seminars and recruitment. • Sole coordinator of a joint degree program with a Norwegian partner of USTU, Tromso University, distance learning program, Bachelor of Northern Studies taught in English. • Participation in meetings for coordinators of international programs initiated by Russian and foreign universities. • Organization of student/staff exchanges (recruitment, support in the application process, admission and terms negotiation with host Universities). • Promotion of International Department work in the media. • New projects development, negotiations, and realization. • Work with internal/external documentation • Internal translations for academic works, documents, journals, and news issues (written and voice over) and articles.
Ukhta State Technical University (International Department)
Engineer/International Affairs Coordinator
С 01.02.2012 по 01.10.2014 (2 года 8 месяцев)
• Support and development of the existing university foreign partners’ database. • Market research for foreign industrial and educational perspective partners in the oil and gas field and establishment of mutually beneficial relationships and cooperation with them. • Work with databases of the USTU International Department. • Initiation and conduct of negotiations followed by the development of joint cooperation and participation in joint grants agreements in Russian and English languages. • Monitoring of contract compliance. • Planning, organization and translation of meetings/lectures with foreign guests of USTU, representatives of leading oil and gas companies, such as Backer Hughes, Shlumberge, Haliburton and others members of SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers). • Simultaneous Russian/English translations of oil and gas related lectures, seminars, meetings, tours, and hospitality support to foreign guests and lecturers of USTU. • Conduct of English language club for USTU students and staff. • Initiation, negotiation and organization of TOEFL testing sight opening on USTU premises (currently the only testing center in Komi republic). • Organization of TOEFL preparatory seminars and recruitment. • Sole coordinator of a joint degree program with a Norwegian partner of USTU, Tromso University, distance learning program, Bachelor of Northern Studies taught in English. • Participation in meetings for coordinators of international programs initiated by Russian and foreign universities. • Organization of student/staff exchanges (recruitment, support in the application process, admission and terms negotiation with host Universities). • Promotion of International Department work in the media. • New projects development, negotiations, and realization. • Work with internal/external documentation • Internal translations for academic works, documents, journals, and news issues (written and voice over) and articles.
Rainbow Apparel Companies (A large retail chain, 1,200 shops across America and Puerto Rico)
Merchandise buyer (Kids department, girl’s 4-6x apparel, footwear, and accessories)
С 01.12.2010 по 01.09.2012 (1 год 9 месяцев)
• Market analysis. • Maintenance and development of the existing vendor database. • Market research for perspective suppliers and establishment of business relationships with those Rainbow clears for conducting business with. • Work with the assortment matrix. • Conduct of contract negotiations and signing; purchase order placement and control. • Observance of contractual obligations and action taking against violations on vendor’s part. • Control of compliance with certificates and other documentation for purchased goods. • Planning, organization and control of shipments of goods to Rainbow warehouse. • Optimization and control of inventory. • Planning of distribution of goods. • Analysis of stores’ inventory. • Reclamation work related to the quantity and quality of products. • Monitoring of the adequacy of merchandise assortment, quantities and prices. • Resolving of disputes and conflict situations. • Meetings with regional manage and executive staff on future buys and merchandising matters. • Collaboration with PR Department on future advertisement campaigns. • Participation in the opening of new stores.
Chocolat Blu -. (Manufacturer and importer of leather footwear and accessories)
Head of Wholesale and Marketing Departments
С 01.12.2009 по 01.01.2010 (1 месяц)
Planning, development, organization, and calculation of efficiency of all operations. • Conduct of marketing activities for promotion of future product based on quarterly marketing budget. • Marketing research conduct. Preparation of an in-depth marketing analysis of distribution, shares, and capacity of the market, as well as tendencies of their development. • Development of a monitoring system in the organization. • Maintenance and constant analysis of target consumer and competitive market, as well as internal environment of the company. • Distribution channels analysis, assessment of their potential, analysis of their effectiveness. • Management and development of sales in U.S. and Canada. • Management of regional sales teams. • Formation of product assortment. • Development of concepts for product lines. • Development and creation of product catalog. • Product prototype approval. • Retail price calculation. • Analysis of promotion and sales of market goods. • Drafting of the annual sales forecast based on fashion forecasts and sales analysis of previous seasons. • Analysis of profitability. • Creation of a demand forecast. • Organization and carrying out of tradeshow appearances. • Prospecting for new customers. • Negotiations with buyers. • Control of existing contracts. • Customer support for existing clients. • Organization and control of merchandise shipments. • Work with advertising agencies, fashion publications and stylists. • Preparation of reporting for the executive staff and company management. • Analysis of all activities conducted
Ухтинский государственный технический университет/ Ukhta State Technical University
Berkeley College
Прикладной анализ поведения "АБА-терапия"
Владение языками
Родной язык
Иностранные языки
Английский, Ив?
Ключевые навыки
1с: управление закупками
1с: управление персоналом
Ведение необходимой документации в программах word, excel, 1с: управление торговлей и 1с: бухгалтер
Unity, c#, adobe photoshop, spine.
ms access
Adobe indesign indesign adobe photoshop adobe illustrator ms powerpoint пользователь пк графические
Знание ms project, ms excel, ms word, ms outlook, autocad.
• маркетинговые исследования • анализ рынка • swot анализ • аналитическое мышление • стратегический
Разговорный английский язык
• деловая коммуникация • общение с клиентами • работа в условиях многозадачности • опыт работы в ком
Ms 0ffice деловая коммуникация деловая корреспонденция договорная работа деловая переписка
Пк деловая переписка
деловая этика
• написание текстов • деловое общение • организация мероприятий • планирование рекламных кампаний •
Ответственность, порядочность, обучаемость, деловой этикет
Кадровое делопроизводство
контроль исполнения решений
Коммуникабельность, организаторские способности, креативность;
Хорошие организаторские навыки
организация деловых поездок
письменный перевод
синхронный перевод
составление бизнес-плана
составление договоров
технический перевод
Личный ассистент генерального персональный проджект project manager управление проектами
Консолидированная управленческая отчетность
устный перевод
формирование бюджета
художественный перевод
Дополнительная информация
Hardworking, open-minded, well-traveled, great communicator and negotiator, excellent organizational and analytical skills, punctual, responsible, loyal, work great under pressure, great multitasker, work well in teams .as well as independently, fast learner. Take pride in high level of efficiency and ability to work with a large amount of information.
Похожие резюме
Не указана
26 лет
Полный день, Гибкий график, Удаленная работа
Последнее место работы
Стажировка в Makkenn-Erikson, Account manager, май 2019 - июль 2019
06.12 в 15:05
Был на сайте
Более недели назад
Опыт работы
3 года 1 месяц
до 100 000 ₽
58 лет
Полный день
Последнее место работы
МГУП "Мосводоканал.", Начальник АХО+Инженер-электромеханик по обслуживанию зданий., январь 1992 - январь 2006
15.12 в 03:12
Был на сайте
Более недели назад
Опыт работы
41 год 8 месяцев
до 160 000 ₽
48 лет
Полный день, Гибкий график, Удаленная работа
Последнее место работы
ВГТРК, Редактор группы информационных программ телевидения, ведущая новостных выпусков., сентябрь 2001 - декабрь 2007
06.12 в 03:08
Был на сайте
Более недели назад
Опыт работы
20 лет 3 месяца