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Тип занятости

Полная занятость, Проектная работа/разовое задание

Мужчина, 36 лет, родился 23 ноября 1988

Город: Верхнеуральск

Опыт работы

15 лет

LLP KKTS “KENT” 3GI System Completion Project

Emergency Response Coordinator

С 01.03.2021 по настоящее время (4 года)

• Assist HES Lead with developing and implementation of Emergency Response Plan • Provide support to the project with emergency management and response • Assure emergency response resources are readily available (e.g. personnel, equipment, contracts with third party resources, and supplies), including support and participation to the Area on-scene response team (ORT) • Ensure availability of respiratory protection equipment (Avon Hoods) in stock in sufficient quantities to support the project • Ensure reliability of communication methods and equipment for directing and mustering process for toxic and non-toxic gas release events • Ensure evacuation transports are readily available in sufficient number within 20 minutes walking distance from work locations to evacuate personnel in an event of an emergency • Implement personnel tracking system at muster areas • Communication and interface with stakeholders (e.g. personnel, government authorities, emergency response resources, PMT) • Develop and conduct emergency management trainings, including Work Area ORT training, Avon Hood training • Review roles and responsibilities within the emergency response plan, facility alarms, evacuation / drill procedures, location of muster and medical first aid points, muster area protocols and afterhours access and assistance protocols • Schedule, organize and facilitate tabletop exercises and drills (including full deployment), prepare drill reports and develop action plans to address findings; lessons learned shall be communicated to the PMT • Verify that Site Specific Emergency Response plan is aligned with Company Emergency Management Plan • Identify, mark and keep access to emergency exits and evacuation routs clear at all times • Coordinate with Client and other Business Partners and assist in the development of site-wide and situation-specific emergency management systems, procedures and courses of action. Implement recovery plans as required to meet company requirements. • Provide daily POB report to the Client and PMT • Develop an Emergency Communications plan to notify and direct personnel, account for employees, and assess damages. • Daily site inspections to assure emergency preparedness • Collaborate with filed HSE team and client Emergency Management team

LLP KKTS “KENT” 3GI System Completion Project

Emergency Response Coordinator

С 01.03.2021 по настоящее время (4 года)

• Assist HES Lead with developing and implementation of Emergency Response Plan • Provide support to the project with emergency management and response • Assure emergency response resources are readily available (e.g. personnel, equipment, contracts with third party resources, and supplies), including support and participation to the Area on-scene response team (ORT) • Ensure availability of respiratory protection equipment (Avon Hoods) in stock in sufficient quantities to support the project • Ensure reliability of communication methods and equipment for directing and mustering process for toxic and non-toxic gas release events • Ensure evacuation transports are readily available in sufficient number within 20 minutes walking distance from work locations to evacuate personnel in an event of an emergency • Implement personnel tracking system at muster areas • Communication and interface with stakeholders (e.g. personnel, government authorities, emergency response resources, PMT) • Develop and conduct emergency management trainings, including Work Area ORT training, Avon Hood training • Review roles and responsibilities within the emergency response plan, facility alarms, evacuation / drill procedures, location of muster and medical first aid points, muster area protocols and afterhours access and assistance protocols • Schedule, organize and facilitate tabletop exercises and drills (including full deployment), prepare drill reports and develop action plans to address findings; lessons learned shall be communicated to the PMT • Verify that Site Specific Emergency Response plan is aligned with Company Emergency Management Plan • Identify, mark and keep access to emergency exits and evacuation routs clear at all times • Coordinate with Client and other Business Partners and assist in the development of site-wide and situation-specific emergency management systems, procedures and courses of action. Implement recovery plans as required to meet company requirements. • Provide daily POB report to the Client and PMT • Develop an Emergency Communications plan to notify and direct personnel, account for employees, and assess damages. • Daily site inspections to assure emergency preparedness • Collaborate with filed HSE team and client Emergency Management team

Bonatti SPA Kazakhstan Branch

Emergency response specialist

С 01.09.2018 по 01.12.2020 (2 года 3 месяца)

• Participation in organizing and conducting exercises in practical skills of emergency response, including with the involvement of external forces and resources of third parties. • Carrying out inspections at construction work sites to verify their compliance with TCO requirements in field of Fire Safety and Emergency Response. • Participation in all emergency drills (including evacuation) for each Contractor and work site. • To develop and carry out industrial and fire safety measures. • Work with area Construction, HES supervisors and contractors to conduct effective drills. • Weekly update SSERP for all construction sites. • Emergency activity logs, drills, responses, false alarms and provide lessons learned reports after each event to support continuous improvement.

ТОО QHSE Akbarys

HSE Technician

С 01.05.2017 по 01.09.2018 (1 год 4 месяца)

· • Ensuring personnel protection from H2S impact • Conducting H2S emergency briefings • Daily walk downs and inspection of gas detection equipment • Conducting gas release emergency drills • Conducting gas tests

’MSS-KIPiAvtomatica’’ LLP, Karachaganak Field, Aksai

Lead HSE Engineer

С 01.10.2013 по 01.09.2017 (3 года 11 месяцев)

• Managing PTWs • Executing RAMS (Risk Assessment) • Tracking and controlling works and PTW status • Certifying working places • Developing Occupational Health and Fire Safety instructions, Toolbox Talk Programs • Ensuring that personnel comply with safety requirements • Conducting Toolbox Talks and safety related trainings • Cooperating with state authorities • Ensuring compliance with requirements coming from state authorities • Monitoring provision of coveralls, personal protection equipment for personnel



West Kazakhstan Engineering & Technological University


West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan


‘’Andas’’ Training Centre


avon hood training

Владение языками

Родной язык


Иностранные языки

Английский, Русский


Ключевые навыки

  • Охрана труда и техника безопасности

  • охрана труда и техника безопасности

  • разработка инициатив в области hse

Дополнительная информация

Hard-working, team-oriented, leadership skills, sociable, responsible

Похожие резюме


Не указана

27 лет


Полный день

Последнее место работы

Ип исаев, Электромонтер, апрель 2015 - ноябрь 2015


29.10 в 03:03

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

8 лет 3 месяца


до 500 000 ₽

34 года


Полный день

Последнее место работы

ТОО "ДОВЕКУ", Бухгалтер-ревизор, июль 2011 - январь 2012


17.10 в 04:26

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

9 лет 1 месяц


Не указана

44 года


Полный день, Гибкий график, Удаленная работа

Последнее место работы

Уральский отряд негосударственной противопожарной службы филиал АО «НК «КТЖ» - «Актобинское отделение магистральной сети», Пожарный, апрель 2001 - январь 2007


21.11 в 15:02

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

23 года 5 месяцев