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мобильный разработчик

до 250 000 ₽



Тип занятости

Полная занятость

Женщина, 43 года, родилась 14 июня 1981

Город: Москва

Опыт работы

25 лет 5 месяцев

Atomstroyexport JSC

Chief Specialist of Quality Department, Technical Department of the El-Dabaa NPP Project (Egypt)

С 01.09.2020 по настоящее время (4 года 6 месяцев)

- The creation and updating of the NPP quality assurance plans and IMS procedures - Ensuring the implementation of documented procedures - Participation in scheduled inspections of departments and contractors - Interaction with the Central Office of the company on issues of quality assurance and control, safety issues - Conducting negotiations with the Customer on the approval of documents - Maintaining a database and analyzing data on nonconformities - Development and implementation of corrective action plans - Coordination of the quality issues in the international branch - Organization of training on procedures - Formation of local regulations of the department

Atomstroyexport JSC

Chief Specialist of Quality Department, Technical Department of the El-Dabaa NPP Project (Egypt)

С 01.09.2020 по настоящее время (4 года 6 месяцев)

- The creation and updating of the NPP quality assurance plans and IMS procedures - Ensuring the implementation of documented procedures - Participation in scheduled inspections of departments and contractors - Interaction with the Central Office of the company on issues of quality assurance and control, safety issues - Conducting negotiations with the Customer on the approval of documents - Maintaining a database and analyzing data on nonconformities - Development and implementation of corrective action plans - Coordination of the quality issues in the international branch - Organization of training on procedures - Formation of local regulations of the department

Remote employment

Remote employment

С 01.09.2017 по 01.02.2020 (2 года 5 месяцев)

Responsibilities of Quality Assurance and Quality Control Manager, BD manager, auditor: 1) To prepare the Project Quality Control Manual identifying duties, the forms to use and by whom, actions routines in normal situation, relevant legislation, etc. 2) Request from each contractor their own Quality Control Program, comment on the suitability of the proposed procedures and verify their implementation. 3) To schedule Quality Audits. 4) To schedule periodic checks complemented by specific inspections, always documented on a proper report. 5) To review the Quality register log and see it is properly prepared, approved and filed. 6) To check that manufacturing, installation, inspection and testing of all components, materials, structures and systems is properly documented and in strict compliance with Project and Investor’s requirements. 7) To analyze the use of suitable methods and procedures to satisfy applicable standards code and rules.

Technical inspection UES (united energy system) JSC

Advisor to General Director

С 01.03.2018 по 01.08.2018 (5 месяцев)

- Development of company management system (ISO 9001, 14001, 31000, OHSAS 18001)/ - Selection and analysis of business processes within projects management. - Description and decomposition of business processes up to 3d level for working procedures (company management, risk-management, preparation and conducting inspection, quality control, procurement, services sales, contracting, document flow). - Analysis of working processes within divisions, identification of functional gaps, duplicate functions. - Preparation of internal regulatory documents. - Carrying out internal audits. - Conducting internal training (introduction of regulatory documents, internal audits).


Head of QA/QC department

С 01.07.2016 по 01.10.2017 (1 год 3 месяца)

- Development of management system (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001): • Description of business processes, prepare of regulatory documents; • Conduct training, internal audits. - Development of Project management system in GC projects (HPP, CHP): • Quality and safety control to meet project contract obligations; • Development of regulatory documents, introduction of PM system. - Company organizational development: • Prepare org charts, responsibility matrix; • Processes modeling; • Development of Knowledge Management System, staff promotion; • Development of company database (intranet, Know-How database, archives of divisions, information turnover) – in my zone of responsibility. Projects: • Site preparation, construction and installation works for 420 MW CCGT unit №12 Verkhnetagilskaya HPP. • Construction and installation works for energy unit №4 Permskaya HHP.

Turner International LLC (Management of Construction projects)

BD Manager/ QA/QC Manager

С 01.05.2013 по 01.04.2016 (2 года 11 месяцев)

- Development and promotion of company's PM services in the Russian market (on the basis of corporate standards, ISO standards, OHSAS). - Prepare regulatory documents for projects (division of responsibilities, control forms, work regulations). - Quality and regulatory control. - Coordination of contractors’ development for QA\QC Plans, HSE plans, Ecology and Fire Safety plans. - Planning and procedure control for site inspections, data collection, summary reports for site inspections formation/ - Control of defects elimination. Development of the company services package: - Synchronization of corporate management standards with Russian legal norms. - Prepare and conduct audits for construction projects (detection of hidden losses that effect project schedule and profit, recommendations working out). Projects: Financial and technical monitoring, project control for Investor (civil construction): Mercury City Tower (Moscow, Russia), TC Metropolis (Moscow, Russia), Crown Plaza Belgrade (Serbia, Belgrade), Talan Towers (Astana, Uzbekistan), Kaplankaya Development (Bodrum, Turkey) Project technical audit (civil construction): Stadium «Zenit Arena» (Saint-Peterburg, Russia), Lakhta-Centre (Saint-Peterburg, Russia), RC «Dolina Setun'» (Moscow, Russia), RC «Zagorodny kvartal» (Moscow, Russia), BC «President Plaza» (Moscow, Russia), Shahdag winter-summer tourism complex (Kusar, Azerbaijan).

E4 Group

QA/QC Director

С 01.06.2010 по 01.05.2013 (2 года 11 месяцев)

- Development of management system (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001). - Development of GC Project management system. - Organizational development (org.charts, matrix of responsibility, job descriptions, unit regulations). - Coordination of QMS in subsidiaries (12 companies – design, repair and technical enterprises, construction companies). - Projects in cost optimization, risk elimination. Projects: Extension of Krasnodar TPP with the construction of "turnkey" CCGT-410, Construction of Bureya HPP, Construction of CCGT unit 420 MW of Cherepovets SDPP, Construction 3х410 MW steam-gas power units for Nyagan HPS (Client - Fortum), Construction of CCGT unit 420 MW Serovskaya HPS(JSC "OGK-2"), Participation in the first nuclear power plant in Vietnam Ninh Thuan 1 (surveys and feasibility studies).

Mirax Group Corporation — Construction/Architecture / Real Estate

PM Assistant/ Quality manager/ Chief Quality Manager (QMS Group, Department for construction control and supervision)

С 01.06.2005 по 01.06.2010 (5 лет)

- Prepare corporate regulatory documents (norms for office procedures and sites). - QMS development according to ISO 9001 (Headquarters, 5 sites). - Organizational development (org.charts, job descriptions). - Prepare regulatory documents (tender work, contract work and units’ regulations). - Development of PM system (7 sites). - Conduct of internal audits (regulations control). - Audit reports. - Analysis of QMS and working processes, reports. - Internal training (QMS). Projects: BC «Federation Tower», BC «Mirax Plaza», BC «Mirax Plaza» in Kiev, BC «Mirax Park», RC «Well House in Leninsky», RC «Well House in Dubrovka», RC «Kutuzovskaya Milya», RC «Kutuzovskaya Rivyera», RC «Crown», RC «Golden Keys -2».


Personal Assistant to owners

С 01.06.2003 по 01.06.2005 (2 года)

- Administrative support for courier service. - Administrative support for owners. - Records keeping, work with incoming documentation and calls. - Execution control of the Head orders. - Time schedule of the Head. - Interpretation and translation. - Organization of business meetings and negotiations. - Preparation of information and advertising texts in Russian and English.



Moscow State Construction University


Tver State University


Certificate of advanced training "Internal audit of the company's QMS (GOST R ISO 19443-2020, GOST R ISO 19011-2021)"


Certificate "Training of internal auditors of the company's QMS (ISO 19443)"


Rosatom Technical Academy


Rosatom Technical Academy


Rosatom Technical Academy


Corporate NPP Construction Project Management System


Audit of the reliability of subcontractors' data


Quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015


QMS internal audit


Integrated management system - basic issues, development, audit


Ensuring the quality of the operational activities of NPP


Project management of construction of objects using nuclear power


Environmental and energy management in standards ISO 14001, EN ISO 16001,ISO 50001

Владение языками

Родной язык


Иностранные языки

Английский, Немецкий, Ту?


Ключевые навыки

  • Risk management

  • Adobe indesign indesign adobe photoshop adobe illustrator ms powerpoint пользователь пк графические

  • iso 9001:2008

  • time management

  • Agile project management

  • business development

  • Сегментирование аудитории

  • Research and market data analysis

  • Знание делового этикета на английском, приветствуется business english, продвинутый пользователь пк

  • навыки межличностного общения

  • навыки составления отчетности

  • база данных: outlook

  • ms project expert

  • Личный ассистент генерального персональный проджект project manager управление проектами

  • Пк деловая переписка

  • consultant plus

  • Знание ms project, ms excel, ms word, ms outlook, autocad.

  • Разговорный английский язык

Дополнительная информация

- Computer: MS Office - Legal databases: Consultant Plus, Garant, StroyConsultant - Working experience Russian and international certification systems. Experience in: Project management, Business processes description (IDEF0, ARIS, Business Studio), processes description for automation (1C Predpriyatiye), work charts for Project teams (construction projects), analysis of management system, reports making, prepare offers to change efficiency of working processes, job regulations, units regulations (org.charts, matrix of responsibility), regulatory documentations including QMS, Ecology management system, HSE system, internal training (regulations introduction, QMS audit, quality control).

Похожие резюме


до 110 000 ₽

55 лет


Полный день

Последнее место работы

в/ч 73458, начальник продовольственной и вещевой службы, август 1990 - февраль 1993


11.12 в 03:08

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Более недели назад

Опыт работы

34 года 2 месяца


Не указана


Полный день, Гибкий график, Удаленная работа

Последнее место работы

Индивидуальное предпринимательство / частная практика / фриланс, Программист, июль 2006 - июнь 2016


06.12 в 03:03

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Более недели назад

Опыт работы

17 лет 10 месяцев


до 70 000 ₽

51 год


Полный день

Последнее место работы

Карлофф, Продавец-консультант, октябрь 2003 - по настоящее время


06.12 в 19:09

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Более недели назад

Опыт работы

42 года 4 месяца