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Тип занятости
Полная занятость
Мужчина, 42 года, родился 6 января 1983
Город: Санкт-Петербург
Опыт работы
22 года 8 месяцев
JV Vietsovpetro,
Master-Advicer / Offshore marine ops.
С 01.11.2019 по настоящее время (5 лет 4 месяца)
Rig move, Heavy lifts offshore ops, Contstructions offshore ops:
JV Vietsovpetro,
Master-Advicer / Offshore marine ops.
С 01.11.2019 по настоящее время (5 лет 4 месяца)
Rig move, Heavy lifts offshore ops, Contstructions offshore ops:
Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd. (Sakhalin Energy)
Marine Transport Leading Specialist
С 01.05.2018 по 01.10.2019 (1 год 5 месяцев)
Ensures required interaction and coordination between government authorities and the Company's subdivisions in the course of operation of the port of Prigorodnoye Border Guards Checkpoint. In cooperation with other Company’s Org.Units collects the required documents and actively participates in the development, approval and implementation of the Port Facility Security Plans and the Company’s Offshore Facilities Vulnerability Assessment in accordance with the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code requirements for Prigorodnoye seaport and PA-A, PA-B, and LUN-A platforms. Ensures the collection of the necessary information, preparation of the documents package for the Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport of Russia (FAMRT) and the Border Guard Administration of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation(BG), as well as approves it with the manager and follows it up as part of the annual process of obtaining permits for the entry of foreign-flag vessels into the territorial sea of the Russian Federation and multiple crossing of the state border of the Russian Federation for performing operations at the Company’s offshore facilities in accordance with the established Procedure. Regularly interacts with border guards and customs authorities, Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being to address issues related to customs zones, BG regime mode in the port of Prigorodnoye and other Company’s offshore facilities. Tracks and analyses changes in the structure of government authorities performing control and oversight functions in the field of marine transport to ensure efficient interaction. As a Contract Holder, administers contracts related to the development, reconstruction and current use of marine transport facilities located in the port of Prigorodnoye and at the Company's offshore platforms, i.e.: Monitors compliance with the Company's HSE standards and procedures by contractors. Controls the deadlines for the fulfilment of contract obligations by contractors/subcontractors and service providers, reports to the manager on progress to date. Interacts with contractors, solves issues related to construction, commissioning and use of marine transport facilities.
С 01.06.2006 по 01.07.2017 (11 лет 1 месяц)
Enhancing a prestige and competitive image of the company at the shipping market; Carrying out on the ship the company's safety policy, understanding and awareness of the importance of this policy by the ship's personnel; Effective functioning of the ship Safety Management System as an integral part of the company Safety Management System; Arrangement of the atmosphere, moral and material preconditions impelling the crew personnel to perform the safety policy and to improve the ship’s SMS system effectiveness; Availability and due confirmation of conventional, classification and national legal documentation that would certify a seaworthiness of the ship, the insurance policy or any other financial guaranty that indicates responsibility against all possible losses in case of accidents and emergency; The service allocation on board a ship including cases of emergency, the distribution of responsibilities, powers and obligations; Establishment of “Ship-Shore” communication line, interior communication and message transfer on emergency incidents, accidents and cases of code provisions non-compliance establishing the volume of the ship’s personnel powers concerning to such message transfer; Control for the ship’s personnel compliance with international, national and corporative standards (rules and regulations) issued in order to guarantee safety operation of a ship and pollution prevention; Execution of the ship emergency plan, extraordinary measures subject to oil pollution and ship training manuals; The performance of training and drills on working through the actions on such instructions realization under overall and emergency conditions; Under control to keeping all ship log books and documentation: Ship's, Engine-room, GMDSS, Oil records book, etc.; Arrangements of ship’s provision with international and national normative and legal documentation required for a safe operation and a renewal of archive files; The provision for the reviews on SMS effectiveness and recommendations on its improvement to the Company. Achievements: Preparing vessels for on-hire, filling out tenders; Preparation and OVID inspection of the company's vessels; Annual survey of vessels by the Registers: RMRS, DNV, ABS, BV . Work under the flags: Russia, Liberia, the Netherlands Antilles, Singapore; Work in mixed crews: Vietnam, Venezuela, Nigeria; Working with Charterers: SEIC, Exxon Neftegas Ltd., Kamchat Neftegas, PTSC, Vietsovpetro, PDVSA, Gazprom Neft Shelf, NPDC, TAN CANG OFFSHORE Ltd .; Rig moving of JUR and SSDR (Anchor- handling operations, Towing); Ocean towing of various non-self-propelled objects; Knowledge of the specifics of the work of supply vessels; Work on icebreakers supply, passage the northern sea route. Education Basic: 2005 — Marine State University, Navigator- engineer. Advanced trainings/courses: 2007 - HUET; 2007 - Oil spill clearance course- 2 Level; 2009 - PC operator; 2013 - Training of persons responsible for ensuring the transport security of vehicles; 2013 - Ship handling; 2014 - Dynamic Positioning Operator; 2015 - Advanced training for an additional occupational health and safety program for managers and specialists. Additional Information: Driver’s license: B English: Fluent PC Skills: PC operator Preferred working pattern: Relocation
Морской государственный университет им. адмирала Г. И. Невельского
Владение языками
Родной язык
Иностранные языки
Ключевые навыки
Adobe photoshop, работа в команде, концепт арт
Похожие резюме
Не указана
49 лет
Полный день, Гибкий график
Последнее место работы
ЧП Белинский В.В. ночной улуб "Wild side", Заместитель директора по общим вопросам, сентябрь 1994 - январь 1997
08.12 в 15:05
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Более недели назад
Опыт работы
41 год 11 месяцев
до 200 000 ₽
47 лет
Полный день, Гибкий график
Последнее место работы
ООО "Центротэн" (Завод по производству ТЭНов), Бухгалтер-экономист, июль 2000 - июнь 2005
27.11 в 15:19
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Более недели назад
Опыт работы
25 лет 7 месяцев
до 120 000 ₽
44 года
Полный день
Последнее место работы
ЗАО АКБ ЭКСПРЕСС- ВОЛГА, Главный экономист, ноябрь 2002 - август 2016
31.10 в 21:04
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Более недели назад
Опыт работы
21 год 7 месяцев