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Тип занятости
Полная занятость, Частичная занятость, Проектная работа/разовое задание
Женщина, 55 лет, родилась -
Город: Астана
Опыт работы
28 лет 7 месяцев
Halyk Insurance Company
Head of Actuarial Center
С 01.01.2022 по 01.06.2022 (5 месяцев)
Ensuring actuarial activity of the Company, actuarial calculations, work on IFRS17
Halyk Insurance Company
Head of Actuarial Center
С 01.01.2022 по 01.06.2022 (5 месяцев)
Ensuring actuarial activity of the Company, actuarial calculations, work on IFRS17
The State Social Insurance Company
Head of Actuarial Calculations, Head Of Risk Management
С 01.07.2019 по 01.11.2021 (2 года 4 месяца)
Supervision and arranging the actuarial and risk manahent of the company
The State Fund for Medical Insurance
Director of Risk Management and Calculations Department
С 01.01.2017 по 01.12.2018 (1 год 11 месяцев)
o Overall management activity of Department o Developed methodological base on risk management, including Risk management policy, Methodology for risk revealing and assessment, Quantitative methods for assessment of specific risks, etc. o Preparing financial modelling and analytics, o Reporting and acting as focal point on the issues to management, government, parliament.
World Bank
Actuarial consultant and anayst
С 01.01.2011 по 01.12.2016 (5 лет 11 месяцев)
From 2011 to 2016 was emplyed to several World Bank and UNDP projects in financial,actuarial and social sphere: 1. Introduction of conditional social assistance in Kazakhstan - WB, 2013-2016 2. Introduction of social medical insurance in Kazakhstan - WB, 2014-2015 3. Financing of support measures for invalids in Kazakhstan - UNDP, 2014 4. Creation and supporting data base for social protection system in Kazakhstan, 2016, etc/
"Jupiter" Consultancy Center
Deputy Head
С 01.08.2011 по 01.06.2016 (4 года 10 месяцев)
Deputy Head, responsible for the projects in the field of financial analysis, forecast modelling and risks of financial organisations, social insurance and economy
The life insurance company JSC "The State Annuity Company"
Head of Analyses and Actuarial Calculations Department
С 01.12.2006 по 01.08.2011 (4 года 8 месяцев)
• Supervision and arranging the work of the department ; • financial modeling and valuation; • risk management; • economic analyses of insurance market in Kazakhstan.
Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Kazakhstan
Head of Actuarial Unit
С 01.01.2002 по 01.05.2006 (4 года 4 месяца)
Provided financial/actuarial support for the development of the state policy: • financial modeling of economy and valuation; • Evaluation and monitoring of social projects in Kazakhstan financed by international donor organizations (World Bank, TACIS, Asian Bank); • Advising to management on international best practice; • development of analytical reports on the current situation and recommendations regarding amendments to social legislation.
Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Kazakhstan
Procurement and Project Manager in the World Bank Project for Pension Reform in Kazakhstan,
С 01.01.2000 по 01.12.2001 (1 год 11 месяцев)
Was responsible for day-to-day coordination of the project activities under supervision of WB Project Team Leader (World Bank Headquarter in Washington); • Project management and procurement of technical assistance from Terms of Reference drafting to contract negotiations and further administration of the contracts; • Range of activities from the project planning to implementation and evaluation following the WB guidelines; • Financial evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of the project. • Reporting in English
The National Nuclear Center, Almaty, Kazakhstan
С 01.01.1988 по 01.11.1989 (1 год 10 месяцев)
Mathematical modelling in electron optics
Netherlands, Maastricht University
The Kazakh State university, Almaty
The State University, Astana
Member of Actuarial Society of Kazakhstan
TOEFL (98 баллов)
Владение языками
Родной язык
Иностранные языки
Английский, Русский
Ключевые навыки
Analytical mindset
stress tolerance
Дополнительная информация
• Strong analytical abilities and creative energy • Able to work under pressure and simultaneously on different assignments. • Experience in training and project management • Driver license
Похожие резюме
до 400 000 ₽
32 года
Полный день, Удаленная работа
Последнее место работы
Астанинская дистанция путей ПЧ-17, монтер путей, сентябрь 2012 - март 2013
11.01 в 01:06
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Более недели назад
Опыт работы
12 лет 7 месяцев
Не указана
27 лет
Полный день
Последнее место работы
ҚТЖ, Приемосдатчик груза и багажа, ноябрь 2018 - январь 2019
20.12 в 21:12
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Более недели назад
Опыт работы
6 лет 7 месяцев
до 350 000 ₽
57 лет
Полный день
Последнее место работы
ТОО Food Revolution, Зав складом, оператор-бухгалтер, июнь 1989 - сентябрь 2023
18.12 в 15:04
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Более недели назад
Опыт работы
68 лет 6 месяцев