Для открытия контактов резюме необходимо приобрести доступ к базе
до 2 000 000 ₽
Тип занятости
Полная занятость
Мужчина, 33 года, родился 6 апреля 1991
Город: Алматы
Опыт работы
14 лет 7 месяцев
ASBIS Kazakhstan, ТОО
CHIEF Apple Business Development Manager
С 01.10.2021 по настоящее время (3 года 4 месяца)
Apple Business Development Manager (iPhone) • Define sales, pricing and promotion strategy for iPhone and control the same process for other Apple goods (Mac/iPad/AW/Apple accessories) • Coordination of assortment, pricing, listing, distribution and other types of market research in the country for iPhone (control of other categiries) • Development and implementation of general distribution, range and pricing approach by sales channels (range, market price waterfall / food chain, bonus conditions, promotional conditions etc.) • Organize and control the process of development, implementation and regular control of listing plan by customers / sales channels in the country • Organize and control the process of sales planning in the country. Final responsibility for the sales and supply planning for iPhone • Development and implementation of general and promotional strategy, ATL and BTL range promotion plan including but not limited advertising ATL and BTL, merchandising, POSM placement, demonstrators’ teams in retail, joints promotions with customers etc. • Coordination of legal, logistics, adaptation and all other types of questions related to the Apple • Preparation and presentation strategy of Apple business in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan on the meeting with vendor (Apple) and key Partners Achievements: 1) Constant growth of Apple business despite of various circumstances 2) ASBIS GROUP AWARD 2023 (Outstanding Performance)
ASBIS Kazakhstan, ТОО
CHIEF Apple Business Development Manager
С 01.10.2021 по настоящее время (3 года 4 месяца)
Apple Business Development Manager (iPhone) • Define sales, pricing and promotion strategy for iPhone and control the same process for other Apple goods (Mac/iPad/AW/Apple accessories) • Coordination of assortment, pricing, listing, distribution and other types of market research in the country for iPhone (control of other categiries) • Development and implementation of general distribution, range and pricing approach by sales channels (range, market price waterfall / food chain, bonus conditions, promotional conditions etc.) • Organize and control the process of development, implementation and regular control of listing plan by customers / sales channels in the country • Organize and control the process of sales planning in the country. Final responsibility for the sales and supply planning for iPhone • Development and implementation of general and promotional strategy, ATL and BTL range promotion plan including but not limited advertising ATL and BTL, merchandising, POSM placement, demonstrators’ teams in retail, joints promotions with customers etc. • Coordination of legal, logistics, adaptation and all other types of questions related to the Apple • Preparation and presentation strategy of Apple business in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan on the meeting with vendor (Apple) and key Partners Achievements: 1) Constant growth of Apple business despite of various circumstances 2) ASBIS GROUP AWARD 2023 (Outstanding Performance)
ASBIS Kazakhstan, ТОО
Apple Business Development Manager
С 01.11.2016 по 01.09.2021 (4 года 10 месяцев)
Apple Business Development Manager (iPhone) • Define sales, pricing and promotion strategy for iPhone • Coordination of assortment, pricing, listing, distribution and other types of market research in the country for iPhone • Development and implementation of general distribution, range and pricing approach by sales channels (range, market price waterfall / food chain, bonus conditions, promotional conditions etc.) • Organize and control the process of development, implementation and regular control of listing plan by customers / sales channels in the country • Organize and control the process of sales planning in the country. Final responsibility for the sales and supply planning for iPhone • Development and implementation of general and promotional strategy, ATL and BTL range promotion plan including but not limited advertising ATL and BTL, merchandising, POSM placement, demonstrators’ teams in retail, joints promotions with customers etc. • Coordination of legal, logistics, adaptation and all other types of questions related to the Apple Achievements: 1) Constant growth of iPhone business 2) ASBIS GROUP AWARD 2021 (Outstanding Performance)
Samsung Electronics Central Eurasia LLP
Key Product Manager
С 01.08.2013 по 01.11.2016 (3 года 3 месяца)
Key responsibilities: 1) Managing main Key Accounts of the industry 2) Consolidation and analysis of sales and stocks reports (PSI) 3) Analysis of Market based on GFK, PSI data 4) Achievement of sell-in and sell-out targets 5) Direct contacts starting from retail team to owners of retail channels 6) Short, Mid, long-term Forecasting (weekly, montly, yearly): M/S, Shipments, Sales. 7) Making of Price Structure, Price Negotiation 8) Co-op/Promotional Activities initiating 9) Channel marketing 10) Presentation of new products of the company 11) Preparation of Product Sales and Marketing Strategies 12) Understanding the needs of customers and consumers to implement company strategies in different channels 13) Monitoring of Samples and FOC status Achievements: 1) Best Employee of the month (April 2014): For support on the field with limited resourses, two shop opening in April with #1 M/S 2) Best Employee of the month (August 2014):For continuous outstanding shop opening support, resulting #1 M/S in August 3) Best Employee of the year (2014):For remarkable input in forecasting, analytics and sell-out increase of TV
Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Алматы (Красный диплом)
Республиканская специализированная физико-математическая школа-интернат имени О.А. Жаутыкова ("Алтын белгi", "Мектеп мақтанышы")
Kiev, Ukraine
Курсы Английского языка
Курсы Английского языка
Курсы программирования Java
Владение языками
Родной язык
Иностранные языки
Английский, Русский
Ключевые навыки
Sales skills
sales forecasting
sales planning
sales management
product marketing
analytical skills
Agile product management
Дополнительная информация
Диплом с отличием Стипендиат Национального Банка Республики Казахстан (декабрь, 2012) Победитель и призер региональных олимпиад по экономике (2011) Победитель и призер республиканских и областных предметных олимпиад по математике и географии Кандидат в мастера спорта по футболу 2 взрослый разряд по настольному теннису Персональные качества: целеустремленность, организаторские способности, коммуникабельность, ответственность, инициативность, пунктуальность, быстрая обучаемость, умение работать в команде
Похожие резюме
Не указана
30 лет
Полный день
Последнее место работы
Нурбанк, АО, филиал в г.Усть-Каменогорск, Кредитный менеджер отдела по работе с клиентами малого и среднего бизнеса, февраль 2016 - февраль 2017
21.01 в 12:01
Был на сайте
Более недели назад
Опыт работы
11 лет 11 месяцев
до 200 000 ₽
38 лет
Гибкий график
Последнее место работы
ЦРБ Талгар, Медицинский брат, июль 2014 - декабрь 2014
06.11 в 21:06
Был на сайте
Более недели назад
Опыт работы
13 лет 1 месяц
до 1 000 000 ₽
32 года
Полный день
Последнее место работы
АТФБанк, АО, Универсальный розничный менеджер, июль 2015 - август 2016
20.01 в 03:09
Был на сайте
Более недели назад
Опыт работы
10 лет 11 месяцев