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Республика Беларусь

Тип занятости

Полная занятость, Частичная занятость, Проектная работа/разовое задание

Мужчина, 35 лет, родился 17 мая 1989

Город: Наро-Фоминск

Опыт работы

11 лет 11 месяцев

Unic Lab


С 01.12.2023 по настоящее время (1 год 3 месяца)

The main result of my work is the introduction of new solutions to increase the fault tolerance of the company's product, the implementation of the customer's requirements for the infrastructure of the company's software solution and the subsequent approval of the software solution for the customer's environment. Stack: Ubuntu, Ansible, Docker, docker-compose, kubernetes, prometheus, grafana, bash, python, mongodb, mariadb, gitlab.

Unic Lab


С 01.12.2023 по настоящее время (1 год 3 месяца)

The main result of my work is the introduction of new solutions to increase the fault tolerance of the company's product, the implementation of the customer's requirements for the infrastructure of the company's software solution and the subsequent approval of the software solution for the customer's environment. Stack: Ubuntu, Ansible, Docker, docker-compose, kubernetes, prometheus, grafana, bash, python, mongodb, mariadb, gitlab.

Inter Tech Solution


С 01.07.2023 по 01.09.2023 (2 месяца)

The main result of my work is building a monitoring system and moving the campaign applications to docker Stack: Ubuntu, Ansible, Docker, bitbucket, , DigitalOcean, Prometheus, Grafana, Forge, Bash. Some accomplishments: + Implemented a monitoring system + Migrating an application to docker and preparing to migrate to kubernetes Skills: Linux System Administration - System Administration - Docker - Prometheus - Grafana - ansible - Bash - DigitalOcean - Linux - CI/CD


DevOps engineer

С 01.01.2022 по 01.03.2023 (1 год 2 месяца)

I consider the main result of my work to be the introduction of a log analysis system, which simplified development and testing. Stack: Ubuntu, Ansible, Docker, Gitlab CI, PostgreSQL, Haproxy, ELK Stack, Zabbix, Grafana, TeamCity, Bash. Some achievements: + Implemented ELK to search and analyze logs. + Migrated from Puppet to Ansible.


DevOps engineer

С 01.01.2019 по 01.12.2021 (2 года 11 месяцев)

The main results of my work I believe are: + Implementation/migration to Prometheus monitoring system, which allowed to raise system fault tolerance and problem response time by reworking old and implementing new metrics + Implementation of ELK stack for aggregation and monitoring of logs, which allowed to reduce the time of error return on the projects and to implement the system of log analysis. + Participation in the project of developing mobile application of Life telecom operator ( as DevOps engineer) It allowed to increase the fault tolerance of systems and applications Stack: Ubuntu, Centos, Ansible, Docker, Gitlab CI, PostgreSQL, Haproxy, ELK Stack, Prometheus, Grafana, Jenkins, Bash. Some achievements: + Implemented ELK to search and analyze logs. + Migrated to Prometheus monitoring system. + Participation in the mobile application project of a cellular operatorThe main results of my work I believe are: + Implementation/migration to Prometheus monitoring system, which allowed to raise system fault tolerance and problem response time by reworking old and implementing new metrics + Implementation of ELK stack for aggregation and monitoring of logs, which allowed to reduce the time of error return on the projects and to implement the system of log analysis. + Participation in the project of developing mobile application of Life telecom operator ( as DevOps engineer) It allowed to increase the fault tolerance of systems and applications Stack: Ubuntu, Centos, Ansible, Docker, Gitlab CI, PostgreSQL, Haproxy, ELK Stack, Prometheus, Grafana, Jenkins, Bash. Some achievements: + Implemented ELK to search and analyze logs. + Migrated to Prometheus monitoring system. + Participation in the mobile application project of a cellular operator


system administrator

С 01.09.2016 по 01.12.2018 (2 года 3 месяца)

The main results of my work I consider: + Migration to open source solution for the organization of retail outlets of household chemicals and cosmetics + Network deployment based on Mikrotik solution + Migration of cash register equipment software for a household cleaning & cosmetics chain + Implementation of Ansible for fast software deployment It allowed to increase the fault tolerance of systems and applications Stack: Ubuntu, Ansible, Bash, Mikrotik. Some achievements: + Implemented Ansible for rapid software deployment. + Migrated all retail outlets of a consumer electronics and cosmetics chain (over 400) to open source and Mikrotik in six months.The main results of my work I consider: + Migration to open source solution for the organization of retail outlets of household chemicals and cosmetics + Network deployment based on Mikrotik solution + Migration of cash register equipment software for a household cleaning & cosmetics chain + Implementation of Ansible for fast software deployment It allowed to increase the fault tolerance of systems and applications Stack: Ubuntu, Ansible, Bash, Mikrotik. Some achievements: + Implemented Ansible for rapid software deployment. + Migrated all retail outlets of a consumer electronics and cosmetics chain (over 400) to open source and Mikrotik in six months.


system administrator

С 01.06.2013 по 01.09.2016 (3 года 3 месяца)

I consider the main results of my work to be the implementation of Jira for processing user requests and participation in the implementation of new solutions for video processing and editing, as well as the implementation of open source for documentation, which allowed to improve the stability of the news department of the company. Stack: Windows, Zabbix, Jira, LibreOffice Some achievements: + Implemented Jira to organize work with requests from users + Implemented a monitoring system to track the state of serversI consider the main results of my work to be the implementation of Jira for processing user requests and participation in the implementation of new solutions for video processing and editing, as well as the implementation of open source for documentation, which allowed to improve the stability of the news department of the company. Stack: Windows, Zabbix, Jira, LibreOffice Some achievements: + Implemented Jira to organize work with requests from users + Implemented a monitoring system to track the state of servers



Belarusian State University of Informatics And Radioelectronics


DevOps Engineer


MikroTik Certified Network Associate


CCNA 2 Routing and Switching: Routing and Switching Essentials


CCNA 3 Routing and Switching: Scaling Networks


CCNA 1 Routing and Switching: Introduction to Networks

Владение языками

Родной язык


Иностранные языки



Ключевые навыки

  • Ccna

  • Администрирование серверов linux

  • Elk, grafana, prometheus, jaeger

  • Git bash

  • Навыки работы с docker/docker-compose

  • Docker / kubernetes

  • digitalocean

  • Sound forge

  • docker-compose

  • .net, c#, ef, postgresql, k8s, gitlab, kibana, grafana

  • Gitlab, elk, grafana, prometheus, nexus, sentry, k8s (vanilla + talos), vault, keycloack, istio, zap

  • Jenkins, gitlab ci, teamcity

  • Devops (git (bitbucket), jenkins, ansible, maven, gradle, junit и пр.)

  • billing

  • Знаком с python

  • Веб-сервер nginx

  • Знание git

  • Azure devops server

  • Go, grpc, gitlab, k8s, postgres, clickhouse, oracle, kafka

  • Git / bitbucket), commit / push / merge /pullrequest / branch

  • Prometheus, zabbix

  • Node.js, typescript/javascript, react, kubernetes, docker, ansible, github/gitlab, terraform

  • digital ocean

  • Sql postgresql

  • Mysql / mariadb

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до 5 000 ₽

30 лет


Полный день

Последнее место работы

ОАО «терранекст» ресторан Литвины, Шеф-повар, май 2019 - май 2021


28.12 в 21:03

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

6 лет 7 месяцев


до 1 500 ₽

27 лет


Полный день, Удаленная работа

Последнее место работы

ООО "Аутсорсинг Корпорэйшн", Помощник кассира, ноябрь 2017 - январь 2018


20.12 в 21:18

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

6 лет 6 месяцев


до 3 000 $

42 года


Полный день, Гибкий график, Удаленная работа

Последнее место работы

Extmedia LTD, UNIX/Linux system administrator, июль 2009 - октябрь 2011


01.01 в 09:08

Был на сайте

Более недели назад

Опыт работы

20 лет 3 месяца