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android разработчик

Не указана



Тип занятости

Полная занятость, Частичная занятость, Проектная работа/разовое задание, Волонтерство, Стажировка

Мужчина, 28 лет, родился 1 сентября 1996

Город: Казань

Опыт работы

10 лет 10 месяцев


Senior Android developer

С 01.10.2020 по настоящее время (4 года 5 месяцев)

- Architected and implemented the "INSTORE" application, crafting a comprehensive solution from the ground up. - Spearheaded the enhancement of existing apps, including "TR Mobile", "TRMobileIR" (image recognition), and "TRMonitoring". - Successfully resolved critical issues, improving app stability. - Introduced new features, contributing to increased user engagement. - Revamped app designs, resulting in enhanced performance." - Implemented "Background Service" and "WorkManager" across all applications, enabling seamless uploading and updating of data in the background, ensuring uninterrupted workflow for Merchandisers.


Senior Android developer

С 01.10.2020 по настоящее время (4 года 5 месяцев)

- Architected and implemented the "INSTORE" application, crafting a comprehensive solution from the ground up. - Spearheaded the enhancement of existing apps, including "TR Mobile", "TRMobileIR" (image recognition), and "TRMonitoring". - Successfully resolved critical issues, improving app stability. - Introduced new features, contributing to increased user engagement. - Revamped app designs, resulting in enhanced performance." - Implemented "Background Service" and "WorkManager" across all applications, enabling seamless uploading and updating of data in the background, ensuring uninterrupted workflow for Merchandisers.

Freelancer / Фриланс

Android developer

С 01.09.2019 по 01.09.2020 (1 год)

Developing Android applications.

Royal Sharm Property

Junior Android developer

С 01.06.2018 по 01.08.2019 (1 год 2 месяца)

Conceived and executed the development of the Royal Sharm Property and RSPRemote Android applications, coupled with the creation of a PHP5-based backend. - Royal Sharm Property (RSP): Engineered a comprehensive Android application delivering a spectrum of Real Estate Services, including Sales, Rent, New Projects, Property Management, and Holiday Lettings. - RSPRemote: Devised an Android application tailored for RSP Company, facilitating the seamless upload of RSP app data encompassing property details, text, image collections, locations, and intricate details.



Higher institute for engineering and technology in Kafr Elshikh

Владение языками

Родной язык


Иностранные языки

Английский, Русский


Ключевые навыки

  • Java

  • Знание git

  • Понимание принципов ооп

  • Ms sql

  • Provider, flutter_bloc, go_router, dio, firebase, shared preferences

  • Kotlin, mvvm + mvi, single activity, viewbinding, stateflow, coroutine, cicerone, dagger, retrofit

  • google maps api

  • Разработка mvp

  • design patterns

  • Kotlin android sdk, android jetpack coroutines dagger2 adapter delegates room mvvm, cle

  • architecture patterns

  • rxjava

  • solid principles

  • Gradle kotlin dsl

  • clean architecture

  • clean code

  • room db

  • Kotlin coroutines

  • Понимание структуры xml

  • Kotlin с jetpack compose

  • kotlin multiplatform

  • Directum rx

  • Maven / gradle

  • Опыт работы с rest api, json.

  • Оптимизация под android

  • dagger 2

  • Node.js, typescript/javascript, react, kubernetes, docker, ansible, github/gitlab, terraform

  • Опыт работы по agile технологии

Дополнительная информация

I am a results-oriented Android developer with over 4 years of experience, specializing in high-performance app development with clean code and adherence to best practices. I have successfully delivered innovative solutions for various projects, demonstrating proficiency in Java and Kotlin. A collaborative team player with a systematic approach to problem-solving, I am dedicated to creating exceptional user experiences through advanced Android technologies. GitHub: https://github.com/Khaled5

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Последнее место работы

ASG, Капитал-Траст-Инвест, Помощник Директора департамента по развитию территорий и градостроительства, июль 2014 - сентябрь 2014


11.12 в 03:11

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Последнее место работы

Ч.п "матяж", Макетчик, июль 2002 - ноябрь 2005


15.11 в 15:01

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Опыт работы

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Последнее место работы

Казанский хлебозавод №3, Оператор промышленной линии по производству батонов, январь 2017 - по настоящее время


30.12 в 03:09

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Более недели назад

Опыт работы

15 лет 10 месяцев