Senior Fullstack .Net С# developer

от 3 500 до 4 200 $ до вычета налогов

Вакансия находится в архиве

Требуемый опыт работы

Более 6 лет

Тип занятости

Полная занятость

График работы

Удаленная работа

Удаленно из любой страны, рабочий часовой пояс GMT+4.

SHARP DEVELOPERS - custom mobile/web software developer in the US and Europe.

Our team is international (Germany, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Greece, UK, Russia). We hire all over the world, and we provide a relocation package for those moving to another country (If you want).

Our clients are product development companies in various fields: fintech, travel, sports, medicine, entertainment, media, industrial. We work on more than 30 projects - pick an interesting one for you!

Our development stack - ​​React Native, Flutter, React, Angular, Node js, .Net Core, .NET Server Side, Razor, Python, AWS, Azure. And we continue extending that list.

We are in search of several developers for various product development projects for our foreign clients.

You will work in an international team, so knowledge of English B2 or above is necessary.

If you prefer to continue working on unique foreign projects from Russia, we will give you this opportunity

Stack of our projects:


  • backend packages: EF Core, Dapper, DocuSign, NetVips, AutoMapper

Frontend: Webpack, SASS, JS, Razor

  • frontend packages: JQuery, datatables, dropzone, bootstrap, inspinia

Logs: sentry, sumologic

Auth: Firebase

Storage: MS SQL Server, Redis, AWS S3

Deployment: TeamCity, AWS CodeDeploy

AWS resources: S3, CodeDeploy, CloudFront, LoadBalancer, Lambda


  • knowledge of .NET+ SQL (complex SQL and stored procedures) at least 5 years of commercial experience
  • experience with distributed storage and systems
  • knowledge of AWS and deployment
  • knowledge of HTTP, REST, SOAP
  • 80% of tasks are in Backend, 20% are Frontend (MVC and JS, without HTML code)
  • knowledge of English B2 and above.

With us you can:

  • become a Tech Lead,

  • become a business professional by immersing yourself in subject areas of several client companies with different tasks all at once,

  • learn new technologies, become a multi-technology specialist or change your stack. We will give you an opportunity to practice on different projects during your working hours,

  • create projects from scratch without supporting or rewriting legacy - switch between startups of our clients, evolve in solving the latest market challenges,

  • grow consistently and go through the full development cycle from the start of production to the release of the developed software

Also we offer:

  • relocation package (if you want to relocate)

  • flexible working hours

  • English courses, language practice in the Russian-American team

  • professional education during paid working hours

  • working in the culture of Western companies accordingly to international standards

  • we are a distributed team - you can work from anywhere in the world!

Answers to FAQ from candidates:

We hire mainly for long-term projects starting from a year, with the subsequent extension of work in the existing team or transfer to another project.

During the transfer from project to project, you undergo in-house technology training, this time is paid 100% as working hours.

Reach out, we'll tell you more!

Ключевые навыки

Apache kafka
.net framework
Memory management
Web api

Контактная информация

Шарп Девелоперс

Вакансия опубликована 25.03.2024 в г. Москва.

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