Travel Product Distribution Manager

Оплата не указана


г. Москва

Требуемый опыт работы

От 3 до 6 лет

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График работы

Удаленная работа is a travel-tech company that creates platforms for online booking of hotels, air tickets, and other services for both individual travelers and corporate clients and travel agencies. Our brands:,, Komandirovki. We develop projects both in Russia and abroad.

We are seeking a detail-oriented professional to oversee and improve our rates distribution system. This role involves integrating multiple operational processes into a single, efficient system, analyzing performance data to identify improvement opportunities, and working collaboratively with various teams to ensure our hotel rates are accessible and accurately represented across all platforms. The successful candidate will bridge the gap between technical solutions and business strategies, driving growth and enhancing operational efficiency.

Key Responsibilities

  • System Integration and Optimization: Lead the effort to streamline our feed management operations by consolidating multiple management areas into a single, cohesive system. You'll be tasked with enhancing system transparency and ease of management while ensuring our technology infrastructure aligns with our business objectives.

  • Operational Analysis and Strategy: Analyze system performance to identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies and propose targeted improvements. Work collaboratively with project managers and technical teams to refine system functionalities, aiming to increase accessibility and optimize performance.

  • Feed Management Oversight: Regularly review and adjust rates accessibility settings to maintain relevance and accuracy. Ensure consistent rates availability across different digital platforms, employing analytical tools to monitor and troubleshoot issues proactively.

  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Leverage your analytical skills to evaluate the impact of system adjustments on our business. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to enhance rate distribution strategies, relying on thorough data analysis and insights to drive decisions.

  • Pricing and Promotion Strategy: Participate in the development of pricing strategies and promotional initiatives, assessing their potential impact and ensuring alignment with our business goals. Collaborate with finance and marketing teams to implement effective strategies that drive growth.

  • Collaboration and Communication: Serve as a key liaison between technical teams and business units, fostering a collaborative environment. Ensure alignment across teams on system settings and strategies, facilitating effective communication and cohesive action plans.


  • Strong analytical skills, with proficiency in data analysis tools.

  • Excellent problem-solving abilities and a keen eye for detail.

  • Ability to work collaboratively across teams and communicate effectively.

  • Experience in system design or optimization is highly desirable.

  • A patient, data-driven approach to operational tasks and system management.

We are pleased to offer:

  • Remote work format.

  • Flexible working hours — we don’t require you to be online or in the office at 09:00 sharp.

  • Interesting and ambitious tasks that will take you to the next professional level.

  • Learning: seminars, trainings, and conferences.

  • Corporate English.

  • Corporate discounts on hotels and other services.

  • A young and active team of super professionals.

Ключевые навыки

Английский язык

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Почта: не указана

Вакансия опубликована 01.07.2024 в г. Москва.

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